All in Traveling

We travel the earth today in similar fashion to Jesus, and His disciples, but do we spread the gospel as we do so? A journey that took Jesus weeks and months to complete is now possible in minutes, and hours, but does that afford us the opportunity to interact with others as He was able to do? Is spreading the good news of Jesus Christ even something we consider a priority as we go, or is it something that maybe, just maybe, is an afterthought that we might stumble upon as we sit in an airplane high above the clouds? If we could travel by any means available to us, and it would not cost us a penny more, which method would we choose? In all honesty wouldn’t it be the fastest, and the one that provided us with the most comfort? Where is our Emmaus today? Where is the wind in our sails as we leave a crowd on one shore and teach a lesson of faith to our companions upon a stormy sea, as we sail to meet a waiting crowd on a distant shore?