All in Soldiers

It is the Holy Spirit’s job to sanctify us, but do we treat his presence too lightly, and deny him the full access to our spirit that he requires to make this happen... to make us holy? Do we as Christians seek to become better men and women in Christ, but stop short of committing ourselves to the pursuit of holiness, and perfection, that should be our greater goal? Are we satisfied with doing enough to be saved, yet fall short of pursuing sanctification, and holiness?

Today is Memorial Day, and is a federal holiday in the United States; it is a day in which we remember those who have fallen in military service to our country. It is appropriate on this day for us to read or recite Psalms 91 which is known commonly as the soldier’s prayer. On this day my mind wanders to a different kind of soldier as well, the Christian soldier, and the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”. It is hard to separate soldiers from their faith in God... it is so deeply called upon in the heat of battle... both physical, and spiritual.