All in New Christians

If someone says or does some little thing wrong, uses an incorrect word in a sentence, or slips up in some other trivial way, do we feel obligated to immediately correct them? Do we look forward to arguing, or defending our point of view until we have won this point, or contest of wills, at all cost? Is our adherence to this obsessiveness in our nature so overwhelming that we come across as harsh, mean spirited, or bitter? Well this is not the nature of Christ, nor is it how we as Christians should behave. We are transformed in Jesus, not into some pious person who believes himself to be perfect, or who is intolerant, and intransigent, but into a gentle, and forgiving, person who is able to teach of Jesus Christ, and win souls to God without driving them away. So let’s honestly ask ourselves whether we win souls to the Lord through quarreling over minor points of theology, and biblical interpretation, or whether we gently win new believers by teaching of the kind and virtuous nature of Jesus.