All in Knowing God

When we face great difficulty, or are taken captive by some form of trouble, we turn immediately to God, and begin to search His Word for relief. Those who rarely read the Bible do so when they are hurting, and pour over its pages until at last they latch onto a key verse or two that help them deal with what they are facing in their lives… then they memorize them, and recite them time and again in prayer. There is nothing line feeling separated from God, or a serious problem to bring us close to Him… is this where we are today? Are we in the midst of trouble, and seeking, or returning to Him for relief? Well, He will reveal Himself to us in such times.

Do you know God and Jesus Christ? You have heard their names, and may even claim to know them, because you have prayed to them, but do you really know them? There are people we know by sight because we see them on television, or a movie screen but we really don’t know them. There are some whose voice we recognize because we hear them on the radio, recordings, or the telephone, but we really don’t know them either. Then there are those people we say we know because we have read their biographies, and become familiar with their lives, but alas, we don’t know them either. Do you really know God or Jesus Christ?