All in Holding to Faith

Do we say we have resolved ourselves to love and worship God with all of our heart, soul, body, and strength? If so then how is it that we can be arrogant, bitter, full of jealousy, and the other things that set us apart from Him? Do we say that Jesus is our Lord, and that we will be as He is, and obey His every commandment? If so then how can we not wash the feet of those who will betray us as Jesus did, feed the lambs of Christ, or turn the other cheek to our enemies? In this way we say one thing, and yet we do another... who are we?

This morning I was reading about commonplace religion, that religion which is shaped around what is easy, formed around what others say and not by intense prayer, God's word, and self denial. We live in a feel good society "if it feels good then it must be good and right." But that isn't what the bible teaches us. So I read Titus 2 this morning, and as an aging member of my church, the scripture convicted me, but whatever your age, and whether you are a man or woman, I believe it will convict you as well.