All in Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, a day that God chose to bring His love for man to a crescendo through the sacrifice of His beloved Son. For His part, Jesus begins this day as a captive of religious men who claim to worship God, and yet whose eyes are covered, and sins are brought to the forefront through the bitter and self-serving treatment of God’s Son; their Messiah. Do we begin our day as Christians contemplating the horrors and humiliation of our Lord Jesus Christ, or the amazing love of God that His suffering reveals to us? Today the time is right, and has reached its fullness; God, after centuries of preparation, reveals His plan for our redemption to us.

Good Friday, and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We like to focus our eyes on the resurrection story of Easter morning, and sing of the blood that has washed away our sin, but what of the body that was scourged, and hung outside the walls of Jerusalem just days prior? What of the corpse that laid in a dark tomb far from the temple mound? Do we relate to the true suffering, and understand what was required of Christ as He became our sin offering? When Jesus tells us to pick up our cross and follow Him it isn’t to the whipping post where His blood was shed... it is to Calvary, a place of ridicule, shame, and suffering unto death; a desolate place, separated from the gold candlesticks, and far from the altars of the temple.