All in God’s Faithfulness

Today let’s think about a question that many have considered in the past, and is raised Biblically for us in the book of Romans. Our question today is this… Does God cease to be faithful just because we do? When we waver in our faith, or lose hope in a prayer, does this nullify God’s promises, or make His truth any less true? Does our lack of faithfulness change Him in any way?

When we are discussing scripture with one another, and God makes a promise in the verse we are considering, we often hear one of the most disturbing words someone can say about a steadfast promise of God... “But!” At that moment an excuse for God not living up to His promise is about to be made. Someone is about to argue that God placed a hidden clause, or a back door, in his promise. Scripture is adamant, and the words straightforward, regarding God’s faithfulness to His Word.