All in Degree

We spend a great deal of our prayer time asking God to do things for us, and the bulk of the remainder in thanking Him for what He has already done. Then, we go about our day, and dedicate most of our waking hours to fending for ourselves by working, or following other worldly pursuits. So, today let’s ask ourselves if there is anything that we can possibly give to God, the creator of all things, and look for ways we can give something, anything, to Him... just as He has so often given to us.

As Christians we talk a great deal about our sanctification, holiness, works, and other spiritual endeavors; all of these are good subjects to discuss, but never lose sight of the fact that you were redeemed, justified, and made pure and acceptable to God by the grace which flows through His Son Jesus Christ. That grace is the forgiveness of our sins, and we have it’s full measure the instant we believed.