All in Abiding and Prayer

People like to hear that whatever they ask for in prayer they will receive; but having stipulations placed on those desires? Well, not so much. So when Jesus tells us that if we abide in Him He will give us what we ask for many who pray tend to gloss over what abiding in Him actually means. This concept of abiding is one that is often misunderstood, you see, we are not meant to be spoiled little children who will ask for extravagant things and throw fits when we don’t get them, or who test our parents by asking them for things that go against everything they stand for, or that they know will ultimately be harmful. Many believers believe they can behave this way and do this as if their desires outweigh all of God’s wisdom, and even His will. Today let’s look at abiding in Jesus, and the importance of the will of God. Our opening scripture verse is from John 15, and one that people quote quite often as if trying to corner Jesus in legality.