As human beings we all experience fear or sadness on occasion, but it is not good for us to remain this way for any length of time. Digging into a few causes of these emotions we find that sadness can come as the result of many things such as lost love, disappointment, or abandonment, and fear from feeling insecurity, helplessness, or a sense of being overwhelmed by life and threatening circumstances, but God is our solution to them all. When we find ourselves unable to overcome, or cope, with these unwanted feelings, then we need to remember that God has invited us to turn to Him. Our trust in Him is the key to reclaiming our joy, happiness, and the healthy feelings of peace and security, once again.

We are facing a resurgence of the pandemic, a setback in the delivery of a vaccine, and more bad news being pumped into our homes each day; is this shaking you? Are you allowing a feeling of hopelessness to overtake you just as the sun is about to rise? Don’t let this last ditch effort to rattle you, by bringing fear and discouragement, destroy your faith.