

How Is It Possible to Rejoice Always?



On this day, Christmas Eve, I am contemplating my morning devotional reading and am not surprised by its subject... Rejoicing! In this season of hope, and as we prepare for the crescendo of our joyous celebration tomorrow, it seems only fitting to contemplate rejoicing as we anticipate the joyous birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah!


“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.”

Philippians 4:4-5 CSB


However, as I read the words of my morning devotion it became clear that Pastor E. M. Bounds was writing about the difficulty we often have in “rejoicing always”. Although he wrote in the late 1800s, and early 1900s, the question he pinned for us was just as relevant to today’s world...


"In a world filled with all kinds of worry, where temptation is the rule, where there are so many things testing us, how is it possible to rejoice always?" - E. M. Bounds


As I read Bounds' words I thought of the Christ Child whose imminent coming we celebrate, and tomorrow's overflowing joy, rejoicing, and happiness in that wondrous birth. I asked myself how anyone could speak of a lack of joy or rejoicing at such a time... And then I realize that there are many of us who have been robbed of this upwelling need to rejoice.


There have been times when I too recall having been robbed of my joy. In them I have been tempted to utter a vulgar word, to be possessive jealous of someone, or trapped in some lie which made me feel undeserving of happiness. I have prayed about this often and asked God to restore my peace and joy, but these instances lead me to understand how easily our spirit of rejoicing can be lost. Bounds brought this to our attention in this way:


"We look at the command to rejoice always, and we accept it and respect it as the Word of God, but no joy comes. We decide to be kind and gentle. We remember the nearness of the Lord, but still we are hasty, quick and impatient." - E.M. Bounds


My reactions to these interruptions in my own ability to rejoice are just examples, but there are many, and the only true way to restore our joy and ability to rejoice comes through praying, and in our prayers we need to ask God to help us resolve whatever we have in our lives which separates us from our joy in Him.


Paul gives us some advice regarding specific things we can do to help ourselves, but without prayer, reconciliation, and forgiveness, they are not enough. Paul says this:


“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”

Philippians 4:8-9 KJV


Coupling these actions with constant prayer and supplication, allows the return of our ability to experience joy, and to rejoice as we should.


Tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ; the anointed one. Emanuel; who is God With Us. We call Him by so many names; Prince of Peace, Son of God, Lamb of God, Light of the World, King of the Jews, Christ Child, Master.... and as we call out His name in these many ways, we are meant to rejoice!


Christmas is not about a gift. It's not about a bountiful meal. It's not about a well-lit tree... It's only about a tiny baby who embodied the fullness of God. How is that possible? Why is it that God would do this for us? How is it that we can do anything but rejoice in Him?


Our savior didn't descend from heaven; He was born of a virgin into a world filled with man's hatred, debauchery, and sin. He offered Himself that even as sinners we would find forgiveness through Him and, yes, come to feel the ultimate reason to rejoice. Hope in our lives through God’s love for us… through a tiny baby born in Bethlehem.


So, as each of us searches for that spirit of rejoicing on Christmas Day... let’s begin with prayer and remember that in Christ we find the life and truth, and all the other wonderful attributes of God that Paul asked us to concentrate on; honesty, justice, purity, loveliness, one of good report, virtue, and praise. Through our prayers, and the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of God's Son, let’s realize the fullness of hope, joy, and our true reason for rejoicing!


Two Words

By Rich Forbes - 12/11/2024


I woke up from a deep sleep

To the sound of pouring rain

And heard a voice say to me

Two words came clear, and plain.


In the midst of flash and thunder

In the midst of stormy night

Those words just kept on rumbling

In all things child… “speak life”.


Speak life into your children

Speak life into your wife

Speak life into your neighbors

Who bring lost souls to set right


Speak life into the strangers

Speak life out on the street

Speak life into their wayward ways

Speak life, and wash their feet


I tossed and tried to find sleep

But it wouldn’t come again

These words kept calling out to me

Speak Life! He’d say again.


Speak life into your enemies

Speak life in times of strife

Speak life when you are threatened

Speak life against the knife


Speak life into the preacher

Who’s wrestling with God’s Word

Speak life into the singers

A song that must be heard


It’s the Word of God to us

It is a baby in the hay

It is the voice of angels chanting

It is the shepherds as they pray


Life is the prayer of Jesus

When His time is almost through

Life, He prays from Calvary,

“They know not what they do”.


God woke me from my slumber

With two words this Christmas night

Two words of grace and mercy

“Speak Life”, my Word, your Christ.


Sing them, say them, shout them loud,

Let all men see God’s light

Speak life into their dark worlds

Speak life… all’s well tonight.



Thank you, Father, for the birth of your Son Jesus who brought your love and hope into the world and presented us with the reason we rejoice. Father, with each passing hour, and as the day approaches in which we celebrate the birth of your Son, increase our joy; even as the anticipation within us swells. Don't allow us to treat the coming of your Son Jesus purely as an event, but fill us with the hope and wonder of Him, and let your Holy Spirit cover us in the joy of that moment. Lord, we who believe praise you and lift up His magnificent name...hear us sing the name Jesus in joyful song and thanksgiving. He is, without a doubt, Yeshua, Emmanuel, the savior... God with us. In Him our sins fall away, and our hope abounds; in Him is our peace, and reason for joy; in Him is our salvation, purification, and transformation... through Him we are reunited with You. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you our God whose grace flowed to us through the sweet cry of your newborn Son in Bethlehem, Jesus the Christ. Holy are you who gives us hope and provides us with every reason to rejoice. Help us Abba as we cast off every hindrance to our rejoicing, and to remove all obstacles that might impede our giving you all glory and honor. Praised be your name this day as we await the sound of Angels announcing the birth of our Lord Emmanuel; he who ushers us into your presence, and in whom our belief will allow us to spend eternity with you.


“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

Philippians 4:4 ESV


Rich Forbes

One Rainy Christmas Morning in Nashville

Prayer, Evangelism, and the Craftiness of Satan