Have we set a certain hour, or hours, of prayer aside for ourselves each day? Of course we are told to pray throughout the day without ceasing, but have we designated special times of prayer when we can be alone with God, and speak with Him quietly, secretly, and without interruption? Many Christian denominations have designated certain times as being times of prayer, and the Bible refers to 3:00 in the afternoon as such an hour for the apostles, but are there times that are more suitable for you; times when God doesn’t compete for your attention?
“Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.”
Acts 3:1 ESV
Years ago I started having such a time of prayer at 6 in the morning when I first rise from my bed, and that time lasted for a few minutes each day, but over the years I found that those few minutes weren’t enough, and I began waking earlier and earlier to begin my quiet isolation with the Lord. Sometimes I increased my time to accommodate prayer for additional people or situations I needed to pray for, or pastors that the Lord asked me to pray specifically for… not just for a season, but for two in particular I was asked to pray for them, for the rest of my life. Then through a set of remarkable circumstances, and coming to know an amazing friend, I was called to write this devotional message each morning, and that added yet more time as I listened to God’s inspiration, and became a pen in His hand. Now I find that my solitary prayer time has increased to over four hours at the beginning of each and every day, and I am certain it will continue to grow as the Lord wills it.
I say this to demonstrate to you the power that a few minutes of quiet prayer can have in your life, and how it increases your faith as you dedicate yourself more and more to it. Jesus demonstrated this to us in His life…
“In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”
Luke 6:12 ESV
As Jesus began to choose His disciples we read that His prayer time increased. In the three words “In these days” we realize that Jesus hadn’t always prayed all night long, but as the need arose he felt compelled to increase His time in prayer, and remained in His Father’s presence for much longer periods of time. Others in the Bible, like Samuel, Also prayed all night as the need arose for them to do so…
““I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night.”
1 Samuel 15:11 ESV
So perhaps you are not currently in the habit of a designated time of prayer, but there is much benefit to having one. Maybe you have already allotted a specific time to dedicate to praying, but it is only for a few minutes, well I assure you that this is perfect, and that God will use those minutes with you… perhaps without increase for the rest of your life, but more likely than not you will come to cherish that time, and will begin to increase it as your faith increases, and your need for His presence demands it…
“At midnight I rise to praise you, because of your righteous rules.”
Psalm 119:62 ESV
If you are praying off and on during the day, and are realizing the value those quick, and sporadic, prayers are in your life, then I challenge you to go one step further and set aside as little as 5-15 minutes each day for dedicated prayer that isn’t necessarily associated with an incident in your life; a time for just you and God… Father and child.
“And he came out and went, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him. And when he came to the place, he said to them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed,”
Luke 22:39-41 ESV
Father, we thank you for all our the times we come to you in prayer during our busy day, but we especially thank you Lord for the quiet time each day that we have dedicated to being with you alone. We are so distracted in our lives Father, but just as we set aside time for the earthly things in life, please help us to realize the importance of having this certain time when we can be with you alone. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you our God who can take 5 short minutes from our day and convert them into an eternity with you. We praise you Father for every minute we find ourselves alone with you, and how they bring us such peace and love that they calm our faith for the remainder of our day. You are merciful Lord, and no matter what the hour is that we are able to meet with you in prayer, you accommodate us. Your grace through Christ extends into our prayers as you provide the place, and the time for us, and by your Holy Spirit through whom you even give us the words to pray when we are unable to find them. Whisper to us Lord, and call us into solitary prayer with you. Tell us how much you desire to be alone with us and to hear the thoughts of our hearts, and minds, without the influence of the world’s distractions. Increase our faith Holy Father as we pray like Jesus prayed when He came to you alone, and let this be a sure and bold step towards righteousness, and eternity with you.
“But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.”
Luke 5:16 ESV
Rich Forbes