It is Easter morning, and the tomb is empty, but do you believe that our redeemer lives? This sounds like a ridiculous question to be asking a believer, but it might surprise you to know how many men and women proclaim faith by saying the right things regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but don’t live as if they believe them. They say He lives, but live as if He were dead. Job truly believed, and lived his life as if he did, but the apostles had to be convinced that Jesus had risen... which are you?
“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:”Job 19:25 KJV
Job didn’t just hope that his Redeemer was alive, he tells us that he knows it, but when we read the scripture in the Gospel of John we see that Mary Magdalen, and the apostles, didn’t have this belief in the resurrection of Christ. They thought that someone had taken the dead body of Jesus away when they found His tomb empty. They didn’t dream that He had risen as He said He would. So the question for us is this... do we doubt it as well? Is the scripture truer to us than it was to them that day?
“for as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead. Then the disciples went back to their homes.”John 20:9-10 ESV
Jesus had taught his disciples about his resurrection but they did not understand, and today He teaches us by way of His gospel, and the revelation of the Holy Spirit, that He has not only risen, but has ascended to sit at the right hand of God, and will return again... do we understand this? Is it real to us?
“for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, "The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise." But they did not understand the saying, and were afraid to ask him.”Mark 9:31-32 ESV
Today is Easter Sunday; the stone has been rolled away, and the tomb is empty. Our churches are filled to capacity again this morning with those who say they believe He Has risen, and yet next Sunday they will leave the pews empty... vacated by those who say the words but don’t live the resurrection life. Which are we, the true believers who understand, and believe, or one of those who merely says the words without true understanding?
Thomas the disciple doubted, and had to place his hand into the side of Jesus before his faith became real. Doubt is the absence of faith... so do we doubt like Thomas? Has the body of Christ risen for us, or do we believe it has simply been taken by thieves? Listen to what Jesus said about Thomas...
“Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."”John 20:29 ESV
Today is Resurrection Sunday, and as we celebrate the resurrected Christ, must Jesus present the wound in His side to us in order for us to have faith He is risen? Has He returned from the dead in our hearts, minds, and souls, or simply in the empty words of our mouths? Do we trust in the redemption of Christ today... how about tomorrow when we leave our seat on the pew, and return to our jobs and earthly life? Make Jesus more than empty words on Easter Sunday, or a dream... believe, have faith, and let Him change every aspect of your life.
Father, I thank you for the mustard seed of faith you planted within me that has taken root and grown into a mighty tree of faith in you, and Jesus Christ. I pray Holy Father that you give me a faith that becomes the same trust in my Redeemer that Job demonstrated, and sustains me for this day, and an eternity of days ahead, worshiping you! Holy, Holy, Holy, are you my God who sent His Son Jesus to suffer, die, and be resurrected... then called him to ascend into Heaven. By His obedience to your will a way has been made for mankind to return to you, and be made pure in your eyes. Praised be the lamb of God... who leads us to righteousness through your grace and love... all made possible by His blood, that transforms us, and makes us worthy of your merciful forgiveness. Mighty are you my God, and Perfect your Son Jesus my Lord... today I not only confess, but believe that He has Risen!
Rich Forbes