Have we built a dam across our heart to hold back the flow of the Holy Spirit? Is our intention that the Spirit be made full in us by stopping its flow, and making it a deep lake of living water within us? Regardless of our intentions, this gift, this wonderful river, is meant to gush forth and water the world. Do we allow it to flow from us? Do we share this spiritual water with others so that it will bring them life… an eternal life that quenches their spiritual thirsts, and satisfies us as the cool water of our faith runs freely from within us to cleanse the world, and glorify God?

How does Jesus pray for us? Does He pray for us in the same way that He did for Simon Peter; that although he would be sifted, that his faith would not fail? I dare say that this is exactly how he prays for us. But, if given our druthers, how would we prefer that He would pray for us? Would we want to be sifted and have our faith strengthened, or for Jesus to pray that we not be sifted at all?

We serve and love God and Jesus Christ, but something bad still happens to us. We find that for all our faith and good works, trouble still besets us. I hear people ask an age old question in moments such as this; they ask “How could a good and loving God let this happen?” or, “If Jesus loves me then why does He allow me, or my loved ones, to suffer like this?” These questions are nothing new, and they come in response to Satan’s prodding as he challenges us with these same questions. Martha asked herself the same things when her brother Lazarus died, and even confronted Jesus by saying…

Are we bearing fruit for the Lord in His spiritual garden, and if we are, is it the healthy and robust fruit He expects of us? It is easy to begin our spiritual service to the Lord with an amazingly prolific harvest, but then, as the years pass by, to become complacent in our efforts. Some of us, by justifying our limited efforts, will produce just enough to get by while others will adorn themselves with beautiful greenery but yield no fruit at all. The first will be pruned back in an effort to increase the clusters of grapes they produce, while the barren green vines will be removed altogether. Where are we in our season? Do we produce in abundance? Do we give the Lord just enough to meet what we think He expects, or are we covering ourselves in fine rich greenery but adding nothing to the heavenly storehouses?

I have traveled far, and returned to my parent’s home. My father died many years ago, but now my mother lies struggling in the final days of her life. Last night I slept in her quiet house as she lay fitful in a hospital room across town while my sisters tended to her. I went into her kitchen, prepared a cup of coffee, and sat down in my familiar chair where I had spoken so many times with her about life and faith, but as I turned to set my cup down there was a tiny little book sitting in the saucer. It was simply constructed; a white cover with a big smiley face, the word SMILE printed boldly above it, and the words “Jesus Loves You” below. It was a simple book containing four verses of scripture that would lead a person to Christ. It begins with a series of questions concerning one’s life and then a statement regarding our sinful nature. Understanding who we are is not hard, nor is it a mystery…

When we receive a Word from the Lord, and it is not a pleasant thing that will come to pass, or what He tells us to say is stern, do we still reveal it exactly as it was told to us, or do we temper it, and make it less harsh for the sensitive ears of those who He meant to hear it? In today’s world we are taught that if we don’t have something nice to say then we shouldn’t say anything at all, and this is a good rule of thumb, but if we receive a Word from God, and we are absolutely certain it is from Him, then we are to be true to it. If we are told to deliver a message, then for us to leave out a single part, or word of it, would be disobedient and sinful. We are not the one saying these things, but simply the messenger. As we look at our lives, have we ever tempered the Word of God so as not to offend someone, nor make them bitter towards us?

Are we feeling particularly blessed, and think that God has set us atop the world? Well, don’t get too comfortable there because the Lord sends us into solitary places, places that seem contrary to our service to Him, and there, in a sorrowful state, a lowly existence, He feeds us, and increases us in our faith. We were doing everything He asked, and leading a righteous life to glorify Him, when suddenly we are struck lame, made sick, suffered the death of a loved one, lost all that we have worked so hard for, or perhaps had a beloved child walk away from God, and we find ourselves in a wilderness, or alone beside the brook Cherith… humbled and unable to feed ourselves. Have we been there? Has the sunny day we have been enjoying suddenly darkened and a storm settled over us?

When we walk through life do we carry with us the fragrance of Jesus; the scent of Heaven, and the very odor of God? Do people not only see Christ in us, but are the blind able to smell His aroma as we approach? We talk about being transformed into the image of Jesus, but there is more to this than the way we look… we are to become like Him in every way… right down to the smell of his cloak, and the sound of His approaching footsteps. Is this what we are becoming each day?

Have we been rebuked in our lives for seeing life only as the world sees it? Peter received such chastisement right before Jesus told His followers to pick up their crosses and follow Him. So often we face verbal correction in our walk, or feel the hand of God upon us as He turns us to the left or right to guide us back onto the path of righteousness. Like Peter, We hear Jesus telling us that we are succumbing to the influences of Satan, and to pick up our cross and follow Him instead. The question becomes this… do we stumble over our earthly pride and turn away when corrected; do we get our feelings hurt and abandon our faith? Or, do we pick up our cross and follow Jesus as He bids us to do?

How and where do we begin our day? Do we begin each one in obedience to the Lord’s call? Do our mornings start in a quiet place with a time of thanksgiving, and seeking the Him through His Word? Are we in the habit of preparing ourselves for another righteous walk, and glorious conversation with Jesus in the day that lies ahead? Moses was called in the morning to come to the mountaintop where he would stand before God, and receive His Commandments… where do we stand as dawn breaks over us in our lives? What do we expect to receive as the new day begins?

As old men and women in Christ do we mentor those who are young and are yet to understand the ways of Jesus? Do we take them under our wing and teach them humility, patience, service, mercy, and all the wonderful characteristics of life… the life of our Lord Jesus? Do we speak to them of the commandments of God, and Jesus, then show them what obedience looks like in our own lives? If we do these things then we become their spiritual mothers and fathers. This is who Paul became to Onesimus.

How long are we capable of waiting on a promise before we begin to doubt in it? How long will our faith remain firm in God’s promises before at last we falter in our trust, and question Him? In today’s society we are not conditioned to be patient or long suffering, but patience is a virtue that God requires of us, and gives us. Neither are we taught true perseverance, and are unable to remain firm in our efforts, and to to serve Him for very long with only the promise of a reward, before our suffering wears on us, and we give up. But our God is faithful and true; His Word, and promise, is unwavering so we must teach ourselves through prayer and the reading of scripture, how to increase these virtues within ourselves, and how to suffer thankfully as we wait on Him… for He will provide, and His promise is even now being worked in His due time.

As men and women we have an idea of what our purpose in life might be, we know our own desires and mold it around the pleasure we find in them, but that imagined purpose is worldly, self-gratifying, and a fantasy. However, as Christians we spend a great deal of time listening and seeking the greater purpose that God has for our lives, and in trying to understand how His love, combined with His will, and our earthly suffering, leads us to His very real purpose in our lives.

Do we work the soil of our faith, not just till it, but work into it fresh compost, leaves, and other nutrients? Do we dig out the rock that lies just beneath the surface, and make rich, deep, soil out of what once was shallow and of little use? If the seeds of faith are to mature, and thrive, they must have good soil to support their roots. So how deep was the soil beneath us when we first believed, and is it fertile enough to support the roots of our growing faith? Are we working as much on the soil beneath us as we are in the planting of the seeds we want to grow?