All in Trust

How do you behave at home? I am not talking simply about your physical home on earth, but your spiritual home in heaven. We concentrate a great deal on what a good Father God is, but what kind of daughter or son are you? Do you love Him with all your heart? Do you serve Him and do His will? Do you honor Him, or do you expect Him to honor your prayers and requests without reciprocation? Do you feel that He is obligated to provide all your desires while you do nothing? Are you a spoiled child?

How do you face the trials and hardships that you are in the midst of, or that you see coming? How do you pray each day when you enter your secret place? When you pray with your family do your words encourage them to let God take control of that one day, and not to fret over His provision for tomorrow? Trust is our strength in Him. Having faith that He is sufficient for this day is enough.

When you are serving God do you seek to further perfect what He has given you to do? If He tells you to build a neighborhood church do you build a parsonage as well? We hear the voice of God, we hear what He would have us do, and then presume we know what comes next. Have you been guilty of this? Did it seem innocent as you placed words in the mouth of God?

As Christians we claim that Jesus Christ is Lord, but so many of us continue to fret over the world as if it still reigns supreme in our lives... and when we do this, it does. Are you one of those who says he trusts in God, and then busily works at trying to solve the world’s problems for Him? Are national and world politics more than casual interests? Do you worry yourself sick about your health and dying despite knowing that you are already dead to this world, and are eternally secure in the next? Well let’s revisit our faith.

Today is the last day of the year, and typically one in which we take stock of our accomplishments and failures over the past twelve months. This is also a time when we make plans for the coming year, and determine the condition of our present life. As you do so, do you have regrets that haunt you, and fears that give you tribulation as you look towards the coming new year? Well, fear not because our Lord uses what is past to prepare us for what lies ahead, and He helps us face today with a firm faith in His goodness and mercy. 

Do we let the happenings of the world trouble us and destroy the faith and tranquility we have in Jesus Christ? Are we so worried about what is occurring in our day to day lives that we can no longer see or feel the eternal truth, which is that Jesus suffered so we should be redeemed; that we should have peace and rest? If so it is time we started stripping the meaningless outer layers away from our life of faith, and get down to the one thing that truly matters... the Cross.

When God speaks do you answer straightway? When God says “Come” do you immediately go to Him? When Jesus says “Go do...” are you willing to drop whatever you are presently doing and go? By our very nature we are procrastinators, some of us more than others, but all of us have some degree of this trait in us. However, when God reaches out to us He expects action and not excuses., and for us to obey exactly as He has instructed.

How do you pray when you're broken? What do you pray for when you have nothing left, and your life is a shambles? How do you lift your spirit high enough that you can face God with your desires? We are often embarrassed when we have totally failed in life; we cover ourselves in leaves and hide as Adam and Eve did. Is that really what we should do? Is our faith that shallow? Has our God given us up to our despair?