All in Sin

Don’t be afraid to lay your sins on the head of Jesus Christ. They will most certainly cut Him, and scar Him, but His love allows Him to endure this for you. This is the first act of making a sin offering, and was done before the blood of a burnt offering was taken, or the animal was killed and placed on the altar. Jesus likewise took the sins of man upon himself in the form of the crown of thorns. These are the sins of mankind... claim Him as your atonement; lay your hand on His head.

Were you perfect in the sight of God yesterday, or was it a bad day for you? Did you make it all the day long without sinning once, or were there those moments when you lost control of your tongue, or stepped otherwise into sin? Each of us falls short of perfection in the eyes of God, but that is no reason to stop striving for it. We have a wonderful eraser on the end of our pencil of faith that removes all of our mistakes and perfects us in the end... Jesus Christ.

Are you a professed believer in Jesus Christ but still waiting on the victory? Have you made a conscious commitment to your faith, and yet the sins of the flesh still rule over you? Look to the cross for relief because in it the world has already been crucified to you, and in it lies your power over the sins of the flesh. You have picked up your cross but are yet to be crucified on it. Don’t look up to the cross... look out from it.

Do we feel that we are threatened because of our faith today; are we treated as though our beliefs are bland and harmless, without danger to those who rule and practice sinfulness with impunity, or perhaps placated by those who pretend to be Friends of Jesus? Strong enemies are confronted carefully in battle by an opponent’s strengths, subtle enemies by discernment, so where does the Church stand today... not just externally, but on the internal battlefields of righteousness?

Do you spread the love of God? Do you give cups of living water to the thirsty each day, or do you worry about their dirty hands touching your polished chalice? It is so easy to turn a blind eye to the ragged, and to detest the smell of the unclean, but these are the very souls that our Lord came to feed, clothe, make clean, and to let drink from His cup. Where were you when you first lifted it to your mouth? Did you think yourself clean and your hands without blame? Did you you smell of righteousness?

When we open ourselves to Jesus Christ and allow Him to enter into us we not only become a new person internally, but also externally. Ezekiel recorded how God transforms us in wonderful fashion, and the New Testament contains many references to how Jesus cleansed us and allows for this same transformation. The sin that we have spoken of in past days is now forgiven, and we are refreshed. Are you ready to be changed?

Are you living out your life claiming to be a Christian while continuing to live under the control of your own will; skirting God’s? How is it that we can be satisfied in this? How is it that we can taste His will, experience a touch of sanctity, holiness, and joy, then retreat back into our own humanity? This is the struggle of faith... the denial of the comfort we find in our own flesh, nature, and will, that we might accept God’s.

Are you a branch on the vine of Jesus Christ? Do you know what that means to you? When we are grafted into the vine of Jesus, you become righteous as He is righteous, and free of sin as He is free of sin. Grafting doesn’t transform the branch’s nature, but it is from that moment on supported and fed by the new vine. Are you fed and supported by Jesus? Is your fruit made more perfect and full by its perfect new source of nourishment?

How is it that we are saved? How is it that the sin which rules our flesh is ever overcome? When I realized that without Jesus Christ in my life each and every day, I would naturally revert back to the creature I once was, my faith began to change at once within me. I came to understand that temptation and sin did not go away when I first believed, but instead must be held at bay, and I am allowed a moment by moment victory over it through Jesus.

Do you find yourself to be at war within? Are you in the midst of a battle between your mind and your body, between the weakness of your flesh that is so often made to kneel before God, and the spirit which actually worships Him? We never have to look far as we seek to understand if there truly is both a physical and a spiritual world, because we live with one foot in each, and this tenuous stance threatens constantly to destroy us as our spirit works to tame the man of flesh who walks towards sin.

When we look around the world today we see such an overwhelming mess; killing, hatred, carnal sins of every description... the list seems to have no end, and it’s depth is bottomless. Becoming overwhelmed by Satan’s handiwork is easy, and letting it make us despondent, or allowing ourselves to be caught up in it can be equally easy. Is this world too big for God’s love and forgiveness? Is what we see too much for Jesus to carry onto the cross?

How do you smell today? Are you fragrant like a flower, sweet like honey, have the smell of sweat and toil, or are you rancid like death? The Bible speaks about smell in many ways, but none more powerful than when it speaks of the fragrance of life, and death on us. When we think of scent we most often think of the smells that surround us, but we are one of those odors... how do you smell spiritually today?

Even before you waited on the LORD He was waiting on you. I know a man who would like to think that God’s mercy and grace is bestowed cart blanch to even those who do not believe in Him... the one true God of Abraham, Moses, and Isaac. This man would like to think that he can obtain the grace and forgiveness associated with Jesus without believing in Him as the Son of God, or obeying His commandments and teaching. This is not so, and yet God waits on this man with open arms.