All tagged wind

My devotional reading for today had to do with those times between callings and it blessed me by helping me to wait patiently for God's voice. What do we do during these quiet times of our faith, the times between callings and other spiritual experiences? Sailors of tall ships and other sailing vessels call these hours and days when the wind isn't blowing as being "becalmed." When they find themselves sitting motionless, they make busy about the ship preparing for the next leg of their voyage while they wait for a breeze and hopefully a steady wind to fill their sails once more. We should do the same in our spiritual voyages. This is a time to mend the sails in preparation for the coming breeze… not to take up oars ourselves.

We are often called to do certain things of faith, and quite often we believe that we understand why we are doing them only to find that the Lord has an entirely different plan, and purpose. It is for this reason I like the story of Jesus calming the sea. In this story the disciples think they are simply crossing the sea to continue Christ’s ministry, but soon find that this voyage is much more than that. Haven’t we all found that what we felt was a trip towards salvation and eternity when we first accepted Jesus as our Lord, has become much much more than that?

As Christians we are like wheat during the harvest. We are thrashed along with the chaff and the straw to separate us from them, then with the winnowing fork we are tossed into the air where the same strong wind blows through us all, and we are separated. We the grain, being heavier, falls to the floor to be gathered, while the chaff and straw are blown away, and are raked to be burned… yet none of the parts are spared the process, the thrashing, the winnowing, or the wind. As grains of wheat we must endure the same trials as the refuse which will eventually be burned. In this way we will be separated from it, placed in sacks for safe keeping, and stored away to be made into loaves for the Lord.