All tagged seek

This morning, I was awakened to the fact that I do not make the decision regarding how I will serve the Lord, no, He makes that determination. It is so tempting for us to get out of bed, say our prayers, and then, over breakfast, say cheerfully to ourselves "Let’s see, how will I serve God today!" What we should be doing is asking Him how we can do this, and then listening for His voice as Isaiah did.

Three steps to successful prayer sounds like it could be a pamphlet in a church lobby, but it is much more than that, it is what we all desire… a simple set of three words that we can follow which will improve our ability to converse with God. This morning we won’t be studying some carefully compiled set of rules derived by a theologian in an ivory tower, but rather the actual words of Jesus as He directs us to ask, seek, and knock in scripture. Then, we will apply His words to our prayers and faith lives.

Are we studying and memorizing scripture, and reading Biblically based literature, with the thought that this will make us wise and righteous or give us some increased standing with God? Well my friends, only one thing will work to perfect us in the eyes of God, and that is having the faith and obedience of a child. I would rather do this one small thing perfectly than to pursue a thousand wise and scholarly things while missing the mark of holiness entirely.

What does it mean to "seek first the kingdom of God?" Some believe this means that we are to seek God totally and that all else will miraculously be provided. Then there are those who feel it means to seek Him first and foremost, but to continue living the life we currently live using His commandments as a guide. Then, there are also those who think it is alright to live without any change whatsoever, and to insert God into the cracks of their existing life as a stop-gap when trouble arises. Which of these are we, or do we seek Him in some other contrived way? How is it that we seek Him?

We must be careful in doing those things we think that God would have us do. So often we go about the job of accomplishing what we think is God’s will for us when it is actually our own contrived desire, and not His at all. Be cautious friends so that before it is time for us to take action we have thoroughly sought out, and understood, what it is that He expects of us... His will.