All tagged promises

This morning in my devotional reading E.M. Bounds made the general statement that "God's promises are dependent on our prayers." Although I believe that prayer is powerful, important, and allows us to communicate our needs to God, I don’t think that He is limited to them, and only acts when we ask Him to. We should pray without ceasing, and within the will of God, and we should ask to receive His promises, but I don't feel that God's promises are necessarily dependent upon our prayers. To say this limits God.

Have you ever thought of prayer as a way of channeling spiritual energy? E.M. Bounds gave us this remarkable thought to contemplate when he wrote these words “Prayer as spiritual energy makes way for, and brings into practical realization, the promises of God.” So far this year we have been studying the power of prayer, but until now we have been thinking of it simply as a tool, or means of communicating with God. Today however, we are seeing it in a new light… it carries a form of spiritual energy all unto itself, and not only delivers our thoughts to God, but changes who we are inside, and brings us into conformance with God’s will. Prayer is not just a means of asking God to deliver on His promises, but it makes us firm in our belief in them. Prayer is a fuel that strengthens our faith.

How many of God’s promises have we actually laid claim to? When the Lord promises us joy, or peace, do we walk upon those promises to make them our own, or do we look at what it takes to get there, and decide that where we are is good enough? Moses was Promised Land, and later that promise was emphasized again to Joshua, but this promise wasn’t without condition… they had to possess it… to walk barefoot upon it. Do we take possession of what God, and Jesus, have given us? Do we realize that we are on Holy Ground in them?

How often do we ask God to provide us with a way to do something, or to make it possible for us to proceed forward in some endeavor, then wait for Him to clear the way for us? Sometimes it is appropriate to wait on the Lord, but there are times when He tells us to go ahead, and we are reluctant to move, we continue to wait. This occurs when we look at the way ahead and it appears to be blocked… so we simply wait. But, just as it takes faith to patiently wait on God to speak, it also takes faith to step out when He tells us to do something, or go somewhere, and we can’t see the evidence of Him working.