All tagged narrow

One Christmas Eve morning, a weather front moved into Nashville in the wee hours before dawn. As is my custom, I was already awake and praying when the rain began to fall by the buckets full. Then, while listening to the wind and the sound of the rain beating on the awning over our deck, I was overcome by my thoughts of Christmas and the way that Jesus Christ came to wash us clean of sin.

In preparing for his final days, Paul wrote to Timothy and gave him instructions and warnings regarding the preaching and teaching of the gospel. Amongst these warnings was one that we find coming to fruition today; he warned him about not yielding to the temptation to water down the message to suit the whims and passions of the people. He warned that many would wander into myths. As we seek out our own salvation do we look for the narrow gate of true faith, or the earthly gate of myth that is thrown wide? Fewer will enter by the narrow gate and find eternal life, while a horde will rush the convenient earthly gate that means nothing but death. Are we being deceived?