All tagged mother

I have traveled far, and returned to my parent’s home. My father died many years ago, but now my mother lies struggling in the final days of her life. Last night I slept in her quiet house as she lay fitful in a hospital room across town while my sisters tended to her. I went into her kitchen, prepared a cup of coffee, and sat down in my familiar chair where I had spoken so many times with her about life and faith, but as I turned to set my cup down there was a tiny little book sitting in the saucer. It was simply constructed; a white cover with a big smiley face, the word SMILE printed boldly above it, and the words “Jesus Loves You” below. It was a simple book containing four verses of scripture that would lead a person to Christ. It begins with a series of questions concerning one’s life and then a statement regarding our sinful nature. Understanding who we are is not hard, nor is it a mystery…

As old men and women in Christ do we mentor those who are young and are yet to understand the ways of Jesus? Do we take them under our wing and teach them humility, patience, service, mercy, and all the wonderful characteristics of life… the life of our Lord Jesus? Do we speak to them of the commandments of God, and Jesus, then show them what obedience looks like in our own lives? If we do these things then we become their spiritual mothers and fathers. This is who Paul became to Onesimus.

We have talked a great deal this month about intercession, and we have read scripture that states that Jesus makes intercession for us before God, but we haven’t really considered the fact that Jesus lives forever, and that because of this, His intercession is without end. We, on the other hand, intercede for others during our lifetimes, so today, let’s look at what scripture says about the role He plays as our High Priest, not just during our lives on earth, but for all eternity.