All tagged joy

Are you depressed about something this morning? Do you feel that the Lord has backed away or allowed some tragedy to befall you? Are you mired in a season of hopelessness? If so, you are not alone. This happened to others throughout the Bible, and is happening in the lives of many today, but here is a word of wisdom and hope for you that I personally cling to, and which will see you through such seasons too... “Just keep living!”

Does our life get in the way of our praying? Do the hardships we face each day stifle our inward enthusiasm for prayer, or do we redouble our effort in it as we bring those trials before the Lord? Often, when faced by incredible hardship or suffering we attempt to fix those things first and pray for them second. The pitfall in this strategy is frustration, depression, and a loss of hope. This inevitably leads to difficulty in prayer.

"Prayer Brings Comfort" is more than just the title for this morning's devotional message, it is a declaration of the benefit that speaking with God brings. My morning reading in E.M. Bounds puts it this way... "Prayer in times of trouble brings comfort, help, hope, and blessings that, while not making the trouble disappear, enables the saint to handle it better and to submit to the will of God." If we are not careful in prayer we will simply dwell on finding relief from troubles, and miss the greater benefits. Prayer is indeed a time of seeking God's intervention and help in our distresses, but our prayers go beyond removing the discomfort, they have a deeper purpose. Prayer also reaffirms our belief, reinforces our humility before God, and communicates His will to us. Prayer does more than asking for help, it teaches us from whence that help comes.

Has Jesus given you a joy like His, or do you anticipate that you will one day have a heavenly joy like the one that He speaks of? Well, I am going to burst your bubble and then give you a new hope regarding this scriptural joy. Our desire should never be to have a joy like Jesus' because we won't have one like His, but don’t let this news disappoint you… read on, because there is much more to this story.

Today let’s contemplate how we can remain joyful in God while in the midst of our daily distresses. Let’s seek the source of our victory, certainty, and amazement during the trials and tribulations we face. Let’s try to understand how it is possible to feel comfort and joy in Jesus even when we are in the grips of staggering loss, or struggling through painful problems and dire crises.

How simple and trusting is our faith? My devotional reading this morning was focused on the simplicity of faith, and as I studied the truth of this concept I uncovered the depth of my similar belief. Yet, I began to see how I often followed the mantra I hear in commercials on television as they sing... "I want it now!" (NFL), or "It's mine!" (Diet Coke), or perhaps "I want it all!" (Dr. Pepper). I could see that I was applying this urgency to my relationship with the Lord, and wanted every truth in a scripture, every revelation of God, instantly... now!

There are times when we will feel alone in our faith, and even among our brothers and sister in Christ we will feel this way. In these times we will be separated, and walk alone with God, or Jesus Christ. As we read the Bible stories regarding the great men of God we find that at some point in each of their lives of faith they were separated, and sent into isolation. But, in our time in the desert, on the mountain, in prisons, or banished to Patmos, we are never truly alone. We are with God, and in these seemingly lonely places He has our undivided attention. Do we know what it is like to be alone with God? Even in a crowd of people have we felt isolated from the world, and in such times didn’t He come to us? Hasn’t Jesus met us on the road to Emmaus and walked us through the scripture? Was His presence enough for us?

It’s Tuesday, and we are drawing closer to the day when we will celebrate a national day of Thanksgiving in the United States of America, but thanking God is not something that should be particular to any certain country or people, but to all the earth. Believers should be letting not only their families and neighbors know what God has done for them, but sharing this with all people everywhere. Today let’s sing praises to the Lord, and do so loudly enough for the whole world to hear, so that our voices will invite every man woman and child to join us in faith.

The mourners gather and hearts break when a loved one passes from this life to the next, but when the deceased is a Christian believer, and the mourners take possession of the victory that has been won, then although their hearts might be sad, their souls rejoice as they share in the victory claimed in that triumphant moment. We mourn for a season, but claim victory in the promise of eternity.