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Are we like children before God, or are we walking in our own independent self-righteousness? Do we say “I believe” and yet act like we are in control of our lives? Maybe we trusted God at one time, but have since taken those reins back from Him, and slowly, over time, found ourselves walking apart from Him. Do we know where we are spiritually? Are we uncertain how, and if, we can ever go home again? Well we can.

Placing our relationship with Jesus above all others in our life; is this something that we are willing, or able, to do? Could you walk away from home and family if Jesus asked you to follow Him, and said “I will make you fishers of men."? You might do so if you had nothing there to live for, but what if you had a wonderful family, a life filled with happiness and wealth? What if you were living in complete contentment… would you still leave it all behind and go?

The rich, the famous, and the wealthy, do they tempt you with their lifestyles, and make you yearn to be as they are? The arrogant, the wicked, and the dominant, does their ability to succeed every day without consequence bring you envy? These are the champions that the world has to offer, and they look, for all the world to see, as if they are the pinnacles of success, and what we should strive towards, but they are not. When the book of their life is closed, and the scroll of their possessions is rolled up, they will be thrown in the fire, but the righteous shall be just beginning to walk in glory with God through Jesus Christ. Thus we ask; where is my heart, my treasure, and my home?