All tagged gospel

Are we called to be Holy men and women? If we are not, then what is our calling? These are the questions I am asking myself this morning, and the Apostle Paul is the example I look to as I search out the Lord's call in my life. You see, Paul wasn't called to serve in the temple, nor to sit on a mountaintop communing with God... he was called to deliver the gospel to a dark and dangerous world. Holiness in scripture means to be separated for the use of God… are we?

We consider Jesus to be many things; we call him the Son of God, our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, the Dove of Peace, Lion of Judah, Prince of Peace, Bread of Life, and so many other things, but who was Jesus if not a missionary to the world? That is the thought I would like for us to consider this morning, and bring to the forefront of our attention. This is something He was proclaimed to be in ancient prophesy, and at the moment of His conception.

Prayer as a tool for spreading the gospel continues to be our thought this morning, and Pastor E.M. Bounds observes that "The gospel moves altogether too slowly..." and suggests prayer as the cure for this lumbering pace when he says "Prayer, more prayer and better prayer will do the deed." He goes on to write; "This means of grace will give swiftness, splendor, and divinity to the gospel." We live in a world filled with wickedness and unbelievers. Some know who Jesus is by name but have never heard the gospel, while others may be entirely ignorant of God, Jesus, and faith. Our task at hand is to deliver that message and allow these poor souls to make a spiritual decision based on biblical facts and not their own conclusions… then to help them on their spiritual way.

Faith and works have long been hot topics of discussion in the Church. The question is which is most important the religious works we do, or the faith we hold dear, and can we really have one without the other. Do you have them both in your life? Do you perform good works, the kind that any moral person can perform, but don’t believe in Jesus, or have faith in God? Or, do you believe and have faith in Jesus, but never demonstrate that in your works? Do you keep your faith, but are reluctant to live it outwardly?

Hearing the gospel of Jesus (that He was born, lived, suffered, died, and was resurrected to redeem us from sin and death), and having this message fall on that fertile spot within us, creates a need for it that is unquenchable. Are you one of those in whom the gospel of Jesus Christ has found a slight furrow into which its seed has fallen and taken root? If so then despite the season you are in, you will be called to tend it... time and time again, day after day, you will nurture it until it bears sweet fruit. For all the others there will be only darkness, and a withering drought.

Do we understand that Jesus Christ had to die in order to secure our redemption, or do we think He was just a mythical character meant to describe morality to us in a how-to book called the Bible? Friends, the account is real, and not a story; it is the single greatest event to occur since creation, and is complete with all the miracles, wonders, suffering, awe, and yes, death. The Bible is the one true account of faith, and the never ending story of God’s love and creation that continues today.

Do we identify ourselves as being missionaries? Is that what we do as a vocation, or is it a part of our everyday life as we go to and from work, and mix with all those we come into contact with each day? Being a missionary is not just an amazing calling, but should be the goal of every Christian. Spreading the gospel to one, or one hundred thousand makes no difference in what we are asked to do, and to what we are called. Whether we refer to ourselves as an evangelist, a missionary, or just a Christian... spreading the gospel is what we are meant to do.

What is our mission? What has God asked us to do before all else? Is it to feed the bodies of hungry people, or to feed their souls? Is it to clothe the naked with soft wool, or to clothe them in the white robes of Salvation? Is it to quench the thirst of dehydrated mouths, or to give them living water to satisfy the spirit? Jesus sent His disciples into the world to deliver the gospel, and so He sends us today... His desire is that we deliver the message!

09/02/2023 - Living Water and the Simple Vessels of Clay

Are we satisfied with all that God has done in us? When we look in the mirror in the morning are we pleased, and at ease, with the fact that Jesus has filled us with His teaching, and that the Holy Spirit has expanded our understanding to overflowing? All of this is beyond wonderful, but what is really asked of us isn't to simply reach a degree of self-fulfillment, or to impress others with our command of scripture, but rather that we deliver the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost souls around us. Our measure is in obediently doing God’s will by sharing the living water He has sent to us in Christ with the lost and thirsty of the world. Let’s look inward today and ask ourselves if we are a vessel from which many drink this living water.

Once the Holy Spirit begins to move on us we receive great power, but the often overlooked gift of the Spirit is our ability to give testimony to others. The apostles testified regarding the resurrection of Jesus, and although we can speak of that too, our most effective testimony comes when we not only speak of Jesus, but give witness to our own experiences, such as how we came to know Jesus as our savior, our own moments of amazing faith and grace, and how we now await anxiously for His return, and our own resurrection.

The love of God should not only be upon us, but should flow from us. We are not just meant to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, but to deliver it to both the lost, and the righteous alike. The lost will be shown the way to salvation, and the righteous warned against sinning. If we are successful in doing this then we will have delivered our own souls. Are we actively speaking of God’s love, and the redemptive power of Christ? Are we saving the wandering souls, and shouting a warning to those who are found, but are being tempted towards sin? Do we stand on the wall, and call the masses to arms, and warn the strong men of danger?

Before we come to know, believe, and have faith in Jesus Christ we are part and parcel of the fallen world, but once we answer the call of God, who draws us to Himself through His Son Jesus, then we change, and our world changes. We find ourselves set apart from the fallen world that we once knew; it is as if we are caught up, and floating through it surrounded by a clear bubble of faith, able to see it, but insulated from it in a miraculous way. Oh how we long for the day when the fallen world we have left behind will be changed, and our bubble of holy righteousness will engulf it entirely… when the whole earth will be filled with His glory. Is this our prayer, for a glorious and redeemed world? Do we pray the final words of Revelation? “Come Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.” Amen