All tagged evil

I am sitting in my prayer chair sipping on a cup of Dark English Breakfast Tea in the pre-dawn grey; having prayed, read my morning devotional and scripture. The house is still, as am I, and the spirit is swirling about me with a sweet peacefulness. This is the time of day that I can hear the Lord without distraction. I just read Oswald Chambers as he discussed a verse regarding darkness, on which I remained obtuse for many years. Does God inhabit the night? Is there something special about the darkness when it comes to our relationship with God? We often fear the night... should we?

This morning I would like for us to concentrate on praying against Temptation. My morning reading touched on this topic today when Pastor E.M. Bounds said: "Temptation is really evil arising from the Devil or born in the human nature.", and as I thought on it I realized that Jesus spoke specifically to temptation when he gave us the Lord's Prayer. He didn't talk about Trouble or Trials, yet He certainly dealt with Evil and Temptation specifically.

Do you say that you are a child of God, and yet you remain fully engaged in the world? Do you find yourself afraid, and so actively engrossed in politics, or social issues that bitterness and even hatred bubble up in you? Who is leading you? If this doesn’t describe you then most certainly you must be leading God’s Children away from the world and it’s frothing.

How do we recognize things we have never known? We know love when we see it, because we have felt it, and have watched it in action. We know good things when we see them too because we taste them, feel them, and witness the mercy and grace that they exude, but how is it that we have come to recognize evil? Where did our understanding of evil come from? I would like to think we know it because we have seen it in the world, being perpetuated by the unrighteous, but scripture tells us it comes from our heart... it wells up from within us.

There is so much beauty in this world, and God made it this way to be pleasant for our physical habitation, and to provide us sustenance, but when sin entered it through man it became tainted by him. The dominion he had been given over the creatures of the earth turned from caring for them into such things as widespread slaughter for pelts, deforestation, and reckless over-fishing for monetary gain. Suddenly men were loving the world as mammon, and not as God Intended... by seeing Him glorified in it... He who made it for them.