All tagged enemies

On this day in 2017 I gave a speech before my company on humility, service, and being a servant manager and employee. What better day to contemplate our servant role in faith, and the lessons that Jesus taught us in this regard than to do so right now. In fact it is always the perfect day and time to contemplate and speak about being humble, and serving others because this isn’t something we should do every so often, but in every moment of every day. Let's listen to the words Jesus spoke on this subject:

Who are the various enemies that we face today? Is our enemy a person who threatens or taunts us, a situation in life that we are struggling to overcome, or perhaps a spiritual enemy, Satan, as he or one of his minions, tempts us, and that temptation begins to distract our attention away from God? Is one or more of these detractors our enemy today, and how strong are they actually? Are they able to overcome us without our first bowing down to the one power each of them attempts to wield against us… doubt? Do we allow their assaults to distract our attention from Jesus Christ, or turn us away from God our Father? Nothing else can destroy us; so if we use the threats of men to bring us closer to God, a dire circumstance in life to strengthen us in our prayer closets, or those things that tempt us as a means of reaffirming us in our faith, then what power do our enemies have, and aren’t we able to turn their hatred into our love for them in spite of their harmful intentions towards us?