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Today let’s contemplate our being chosen by God for a life and relationship with Him through Jesus; even as much as we ourselves choose to live that life and love our Lord. I think about Saul becoming Paul and this most intense selection by Jesus. After Saul had been struck down in the midst of his noon day prayers, and blinded, he was told to go into Jerusalem and wait there for instructions. Are we chosen too? Are we humbled as Saul was? Do we obey, and go to meet Him?

Are we struggling with whether we will give ourselves completely to Jesus, and fully believe in God? Have we been reasoning and reading scripture without moving an inch closer to believing? If so, then we should quit listening to your own intellect, calm ourselves, and then open our ears to the still small voice of God that calls us to “Come.” Hearing God isn’t a matter of intellectual reasoning on our part; it is being inexplicably drawn by the Lord.

God draws us to Jesus Christ, but not all of us answer that call as we should. Some hear His voice and come to believe in Jesus completely, others begin to move in the right direction but give up before they reach the point of fully believing, a few look up from what they are doing but with little interest and without moving an inch, and then there are those who never give any indication that they have even heard God’s call at all. The question for us today is this… which of these are we?