All tagged depression

Are you depressed about something this morning? Do you feel that the Lord has backed away or allowed some tragedy to befall you? Are you mired in a season of hopelessness? If so, you are not alone. This happened to others throughout the Bible, and is happening in the lives of many today, but here is a word of wisdom and hope for you that I personally cling to, and which will see you through such seasons too... “Just keep living!”

This morning our devotional message is one of great promise... God cares for us. He answers our prayers, shoulders our burdens, heals us, comforts us, provides for us, and is always true to His Word. We are living in a pessimistic time when men and women, even in the highest of offices, don’t seem to know the truth. Yet we are asked to put our trust in them saying things like “He/she is the lesser of two evils.” Isn’t it wonderful to be able to turn to God and Jesus Christ knowing that in them there is no compromise, and that their Word is always true?

In this age of COVID-19, that appears to us to be a never ending string of variants and new sickness, are we despondent? In this world that is filled with hatred, and an all out attack on the Word of God, are we afraid? As men turn against one another, and people die of COVID, it is easy to fall victim to depression, but if we continue to call out to the Lord He will answer us… He will protect us, and He will set us free. When we feel boxed in by events, and accosted by discord from every angle, our God will open the doors of this earthly prison and lead us into green pastures. He will turn us out into wide open spaces of endless and eternal joy, not by removing us, by the death of our bodies, but through the unshackling of our souls from the spirit of this world.

For some people the day after Christmas is like falling off of an emotional cliff; the exciting and often hectic days of preparation for Christmas are over, and the emotional and spiritual exhilaration of Christmas Day with all its gifts, family, food, and worship, return to routine daily living once again. Some of us are glad for the rest, peace, and quiet, but others fall into a deep depression. The good news is that Jesus is there for us regardless of how we react, and to help us through each and every day and emotion we feel.