All tagged complacent

If we know and serve the Lord long enough there will be a time when we will experience His silence, and feel like He is far away. Maybe sin has separated us from Him, or we have become so used to His presence that we don’t feel His closeness like we once did. Whatever the reason, we know that we don’t believe any less, and yet for some mysterious reason there seems to be a distance between us. We are like a carbonated drink that has lost its fizz… we are flat. So what do we do when we find ourselves in this lonely place? I recommend that we read and pray the scriptures, and seek new ways to serve Him until we realize He is still close, and our hand is firmly in His once more.

What is it that causes us to move, most of the time it is because where we are has become uncomfortable, and in this way the allure of the slightest good beckons us to come. Most of us like to remain where we feel comfortable, and once we have put down roots we are reluctant to change, but not changing also means not growing. The shepherd knows this bout his sheep, and God knows this about us, so the shepherd drives his sheep to new pastures, and the Lord urges us towards a stronger faith with every storm we encounter.