All tagged called

Why are we called, and for what reason do we deliver the gospel to the unsaved? As I contemplated my scripture and devotional reading this morning, I recalled Oswald Chambers speaking on this subject with these words:


"The first sovereign work of grace is summed up in the words "that they may receive remission of sins." When a man fails in personal Christian experience, it is nearly always because he has never received anything." - Oswald Chambers

This morning we are reading, and considering, the words that Jesus spoke regarding praying for more people to work in God's fields, and the great commission of taking the gospel abroad. I believe that the church would do well to take this seriously, but as individuals we should pray for these things as well; especially as we are called to them ourselves… Perhaps we will find that we are praying “Lord send me.”

What kind of service is the consecrated Christian called to perform? Most find that it is much more than routine. Zacharias became a prophet the moment he named his son John (the Baptist) and his lips were unsealed. He was then called to do more than burn incense in the temple... He was called to a life of such magnitude that only scripture speaks of lives like his. These are his words from the Benedictus (Luke 1:57-79)...

Are we struggling with whether we will give ourselves completely to Jesus, and fully believe in God? Have we been reasoning and reading scripture without moving an inch closer to believing? If so, then we should quit listening to your own intellect, calm ourselves, and then open our ears to the still small voice of God that calls us to “Come.” Hearing God isn’t a matter of intellectual reasoning on our part; it is being inexplicably drawn by the Lord.

Has God called you to Himself, or is He calling you right now? By virtue of the fact that you have decided to read this devotional lesson I would say He has. Maybe you thought you were choosing Him, but the fact is, He has chosen you. Does this thought surprise you, or even frighten you? Are you uneasy with the thought that God has pursued and chosen you to do His will? Do you feel ready, or worthy?

God draws us to Jesus Christ, but not all of us answer that call as we should. Some hear His voice and come to believe in Jesus completely, others begin to move in the right direction but give up before they reach the point of fully believing, a few look up from what they are doing but with little interest and without moving an inch, and then there are those who never give any indication that they have even heard God’s call at all. The question for us today is this… which of these are we?