All tagged burden

I received a text message one day regarding the precarious position a close friend was in at work, and the stress this was bringing to him and his family. Hearing that his job was in danger I immediately began praying for God to intercede in his struggle. I prayed for my friend often over the coming days and then added an additional prayer for peace and prosperity to my ongoing requests regarding the safety of his job. I wasn’t praying that he would become wealthy, no, I was praying that the Lord would sustain him and take away this distraction to his faith.

Have we ever taken on a duty that is distasteful, or shouldered a hardship, or responsibility, that weighed us down, but, out of necessity, we had to bear? Were our labors meant to help someone in need? There are many things in life that we do simply because they must be done, not because we enjoy doing them. But, if we are doing them out of kindness to someone, and we do these things with a good Christian heart, something wonderful happens as we work at them… we develop a taste for the distasteful, and the burdens we bear for others become light to us, and often a pleasure. If we approach such situations with the caring, and the love of Christ, we find that our love and kindness will reward us. Can we remember such times in our lives?

Jesus was concerned about how much we could bear, and as we follow his example, we should be equally worried about the troubles, and progress of those around us. Our love for one another should always dictate the expectations we have for our fellow pilgrims, and it should determine the degree to which we take on the load of the weakest member in our number. Are we stronger physically, or in faith, than those we travel with? If so, do we see our brothers and sisters struggling, and walk on at a brisk pace without any consideration for their pain? By not concerning ourselves with the load of others are we loving them as we love ourselves? Are we obeying the commandments of Jesus by neglecting the struggles of others?