All tagged bold

Today let’s examine our lives as we determine if we are presuming to know when and how God will enter into our affairs. I am personally trying to decide if I am attempting to control my circumstances, or if I am truly trusting in God. I am asking myself if I have been limiting His access to my life by not fully realizing that He will interact with me at His good pleasure. Will you join with me in this intimate exploration of our faiths? What I have found in my own quest may serve to enlighten you.

The Lord tells us what He is going to do, and does it. The question becomes this… do we trust in Him enough to do our part. If the Lord says that the moment our feet touch the waters of the Jordan River it will part and we can cross on dry ground, will we step boldly out into the river? Will we look at the swift water, swollen by the spring rain, and step confidently into it? We all face such moments of faith in our lives, albeit they might not be flood waters, but they certainly could be to marry a person God tells us to, to take a job that we feel marginally qualified for, or to go on a journey to a dangerous place that makes us uncomfortable. We are all asked to step out in faith at some point in our lives, but will we be bold enough to obey?

What better day to discuss being bold in our love for Jesus than on Valentine’s Day, and what more appropriate way to begin but with a poem...


By Rich Forbes

Hope gives birth to courage,

courage allows us to be bold,

bold is the heart that loves;

Jesus is the hope of the world.

So, are we bold in the way we reveal our love for God, Jesus, and for one another, or are we timid, and let an earthborn fear throw a bushel over our love, and how we show it?