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Today I am thinking about the two disciples who walked the road to Emmaus and encountered Jesus. I am amazed that they had left Jerusalem and were returning home dejected and believing the Lord had failed them... they were disappointed that their timeline had not been met as they thought it should have been. The promise of three days, in their eyes, meant that Jesus would arise and redeem Israel by force from the Romans. Let's read their words...

Specific answers to prayer was the topic of the devotional message I read this morning. Pastor E.M. Bounds said this regarding the subject: "God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son, are both strongly committed by the truth of the Word and by the integrity of their character to answer prayer." In both the Old and New Testaments we are assured and reassured that our prayers will be heard and answered, and in Psalms we have more prayers than in any other book in the bible. Specifically there are 72 prayers included in it; and there are also instructions regarding how we should pray them, and reassurance that they will be answered.

We know why we pray to God; we know the needs, the desires, fears, and suffering that we experience which brings us to our knees before Him, but why does He choose to answer us? Do we think that it is out of obligation because we are His creation? No, God’s answer to our prayer is much more than that. It is because He loves us, and is faithful to us in support of every promise He has ever made us… each being driven by, and rooted in, that love. Can we say that we love Him in like kind, and are just as faithful?