After reading my devotional message this morningregarding our answering the call of God, I began to think about how easy it would be to ignore that call. How easy it would be to stand idle or sit in the back of the class and never raise my hand.
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After reading my devotional message this morningregarding our answering the call of God, I began to think about how easy it would be to ignore that call. How easy it would be to stand idle or sit in the back of the class and never raise my hand.
Do you deny the sin within you? Do you say to others that you are a moral man, a good man, and that you harm no one? Do you argue that your morality makes you righteous? My response to you is that you have no idea what sin truly is... or else you are deceiving yourself. Let’s look into this further.
Are we willing to abandon ourselves to Jesus Christ? Can we put down our own self-interests and pick up the cross? If we can't answer "Yes" to these two questions then we are distanced from Him, and at best, we are onlookers in the audience as Jesus teaches, and not disciples that follow Him wherever He leads...
What is our role in performing those things that God calls us to? Are we working for God, ourselves, or in concert with God? The answer might surprise you.
God calls us suddenly, and usually without announcement, are we ready at a moment's notice, or must we make preparations before answering His call? Will we instantly reply "Here I am!" When He calls? I find it interesting that most of the great prophets and leaders of the Bible answered instantly when God called them. There is no hesitation and no consideration as to why they were being called.
This morning I ask you to join me in contemplating those times when God has spoken to you. It may have been in a feeling you couldn't shake, a dream, in a voice only you could hear, by signs, or maybe in a vision. Is there a time when you realized that you were engaged in a "God Moment?"
Do we think that we choose God of our own accord, and that He has no say in our coming to Him? Do we think that we can know Jesus Christ and confess Him to be our Savior without being given to Him first by His Father? No - when we are told to “seek and you will find”, we are being called to Him, and following His calling we must accept, obey, and answer His voice.