All tagged alone

Yesterday we thought about being alone with God in times of correction, but today let’s contemplate those times when we find ourselves alone with Jesus out of love, familiarity, and to receive such things as His instruction, direction, or blessing... what do we say or ask of Jesus when we are alone with Him? Well, we can ask anything but especially the hard questions, or those that bare the uncertainties or insecurities that we harbor in our souls.

When I was a boy it wasn’t uncommon to see people, and families taking a stroll in the evening. When people would have a problem in their life they wouldn’t go to a psychiatrist, they would take a quiet walk to meditate, think, reason, and if they were Men or women of faith they would discuss these things with God, and Jesus Christ. Somehow over the years we have fallen out of this habit, and come to believe that all our problems are to be addressed by yet more action, not less, and that quiet times of solitude are a waste of time. I invite each of us to ask ourselves a simple question today; “How much time do I spend alone with God, and Jesus, or in meditation versus going about my active life in the world, or even faith?”

There are times when we will feel alone in our faith, and even among our brothers and sister in Christ we will feel this way. In these times we will be separated, and walk alone with God, or Jesus Christ. As we read the Bible stories regarding the great men of God we find that at some point in each of their lives of faith they were separated, and sent into isolation. But, in our time in the desert, on the mountain, in prisons, or banished to Patmos, we are never truly alone. We are with God, and in these seemingly lonely places He has our undivided attention. Do we know what it is like to be alone with God? Even in a crowd of people have we felt isolated from the world, and in such times didn’t He come to us? Hasn’t Jesus met us on the road to Emmaus and walked us through the scripture? Was His presence enough for us?

How much time do we spend alone in a quiet place by ourselves? When we think back on such periods of solitude what were we contemplating during them? For the Christian we are spending this time in deep and peaceful conversation with God; sometimes without a word spoken. When we do speak during these periods of calm and quiet, we not only hear His small still voice but we speak to Him in one as well. All of the turmoil, and the loud voices of everyday life, are stilled. We discuss our problems and seek His help, but it is with the assurance that He is there, and will lead us through them, even providing us with an escape.

As Christians we spend time in church and in faith based activities with other believers. We also find ourselves surrounded by the fallen world, and sometimes it can feel like both of these activities are having the same effect on us. The hectic nature they share, the imperfect humanness that is there; they wear on us, so let’s ask ourselves a couple of questions today… how much time do we spend alone with God, and do we allow this quiet time to restore us?

Have you ever been in a crowded place when suddenly all the noise and people seemed to fade away? Well, for much of August Ann and I were on vacation, and as our plane was preparing to board passengers, Ann went down the concourse in search of some lifesavers, I was left sitting by myself watching people move up and down the crowded hallway, and wondered about who they were as they were heading to their gates, or making their way to the baggage claim area. Then suddenly my eye was caught by a man who looked a great deal like someone I knew; a chief operating officer for one of the largest companies in the United States.

Each and every morning I rise, and spend the first hours of my day alone with God. I read His Word, and I pray in the name of His Son Jesus Christ. Then I write what the spirit has given me. There is no substitute for this time when we present ourselves to the Lord. We are made new in faith by committing ourselves fresh to Jesus Christ, and finding ourselves awash in the Holy Spirit in these quiet moments with God. Long before we walk into the world we should embrace Him. We are not meant to prepare ourselves in the morning, but to do so before our morning begins. God told Moses to be ready BY morning, and so we are to do the same. We should close our eyes each evening with a prayer flowing from our mouths; longing in excited anticipation for the moment when our eyes will reopen, and we will take our Father’s hand once more. We should yearn for the feeling of joy that our first breath will bring as we begin the new day in His presence.

Have we ever considered what it means to be alone, and how it can sometimes be pleasant to be without people around us, while at other times it is pure misery or sorrow? Yet, being alone when it comes to being separated from, or left without God, is never good. Last night Pastor L. H. Hardwick, the most amazing man of God I have ever personally known, went to be with the Lord, and today I feel an emptiness associated with his death, but as I prayed through the night I felt close to God as I was comforted by His presence.

As many churches meet remotely due to COVID-19 we are tempted by Zoom meetings to continue coming together in this way, but as we walk the path of our faith we often find ourselves confronted by temptation and evil along the way, and facing these challenges alone is a frightening prospect. We are at our weakest when by ourselves, and that is precisely why Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness; he felt his best chance to overcome Him was while He was wandering by Himself, but in reality Jesus was never alone, and neither are we... God is with us always.