All tagged Waiting on the Lord

How often do you walk with a God? I am not talking about just reading the Bible, attending church, performing works such as feeding the hungry, or praying your needs to Him, but how often do you actually walk with him in conversation? Sometimes we get so busy doing things, and saying things of faith, that we forget that this is not a checklist, or a job, it is a loving relationship, we are children, and that some walks with Him, if we choose to take them,  take hours, days, weeks, or longer. 

Does waiting on God seem tedious to you? Perhaps it has become this way because you have the idea that He is doing nothing while you wait, and that He continues on doing nothing until at long last, in a moment suited to His good pleasure, He suddenly cares enough to act. Well nothing could be further from the truth, and waiting should be an active effort on our part in which we watch Him at work.

Have you been waiting patiently on the Lord? If you say yes, then let me ask this: have you done so without muttering and discontent? It is one thing to wait patiently and in great expectation on God, but it is quite a different thing to wait because that is your only recourse... and to do so with discontent, or complaints on your lips. Waiting brings honor to the Father, and a new song to us.