All tagged Restores

Yesterday was Mother’s Day, and mothers were widely celebrated with phone calls, visits, and gifts, but in the year since the previous Mother’s Day many children had lost their mother, and men had lost their wives who had blessed them with children. In the midst of our joyous celebration we can find ourselves saddened, and sometimes feeling bitter towards God in the midst of our mourning. But in all things, even the loss of a mother, or wife, we should worship, and call out blessings to God. Job shows us this after losing all of his children to a tragic storm.

Have you been working hard to perfect yourself, and to make yourself righteous and even holy? Well, there is only one way to overcome sin, to stand before God a righteous person, and to live eternally with The Father in heaven... a belief and faith in Jesus Christ. Only by our yielding to Him, and His abiding in us, can we be changed, and made acceptable. Only in this way can we conquer Satan, and restore life to dead eyes.