All tagged Hulility

What will we do when the Lord decides to pour out His wrath upon the world? Will we throw away our inhibitions, remove the boundary stones of our faith, and run roaring like lions in the streets, or will we fall to our knees and pray fervently for God to forgive us, and spare his children? We don’t like to consider these frightening things, but if we wait until such a day arrives then our faith will find itself caught off guard by the hopelessness of humanity, and we may be lost. Is our faith robust, and can it withstand the chaos of such a time as this?

How many churches are there within your congregation? How many groups of different mind, and various agenda, are milling about one another, and often find themselves at loggerheads? This is what happens when we lose focus on maintaining ourselves in the image of Jesus Christ. This is what occurs when a marriage ceases to be of one flesh.