All tagged Garden

You have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, and received the seed of your faith, so if we view your faith as we would a seed, have you sown it in good soil, or amongst the thorns? Have you taken care and gently placed it in rich soil, and watered it with the Word of God, or cast it in the thorns of a worldly life, and sprinkled it with man’s deceit and wealth?

Where do you spend your time each day? Do you waste it on frivolous pursuits, or in prayer? Do you read magazines about worldly subjects, or the Bible and other spiritually uplifting material? Do you seek out those places God wills you to visit, or do you wile away your time in ungodly places for no good purpose? How we apportion our time, the activities we pursue, and places we frequent, determines how our faith will grow, and the fruit it will bear. Do we waste our treasure of time, or spend it wisely?