All tagged Calling out

Are you seeking God right now? Perhaps you have known Him, but due to some disappointment you have wandered away into the desert and don’t know how to find Him again, or then again you may have never known Him, and only now realize that something is missing in your life and you are looking for the very first time. There are times in every life when we feel separated from God, and we just can’t seem to find Him; we feel alone, lost, and desperately in need of Him. Is this you right now?

In our faith we are like children who while babies were fed their mother’s milk, but as they grew were allowed to eat soft cereal, then crushed vegetables, and finally meat. God feeds us the food of our faith as we are able to handle it, but once we are eating the common foods that all believers eat, do we pursue the special and mysterious foods of righteousness, and Jesus Christ, that are fed from God’s hidden kitchen, and shared only with those who ask; only with the few who call out for more?

When the Lord gives us a specific calling, or mission, that He wants us to accomplish, how do we know when it is complete? Have you ever left spiritual business unfinished because you took your eyes off of the lord? Whether it is praying for someone each day, being a loving spouse, serving in a far off land, or simply mowing the yard of a sick neighbor; when does stopping become a matter of God, as opposed to our own lack of desire to continue on?