All tagged Answered Prayer

As people of varying degrees of spirituality we have different prayer habits. Some of us come to God many times a day, some come only in the morning, others in the evening, and there are those who only pray on days like Christmas and Easter, but rest assured we all find time to pray when we are in need, or hurting. So which is right? Well, there is no wrong prayer, but scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, because God loves us and desires us to be with Him just as He is with us... always. 

Have we prayed for our faith today, and if so, how about the faith of another? Jesus prayed for the faith of Peter when Satan asked for permission to sift him Like wheat, then He went on to tell him that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed. What would have happened to Peter without the prayer of Jesus? What would happen to us, and those we know without our prayers for strengthened faith?

Has your life been impacted in some way by the Coronavirus epidemic, or the attempts being made by governments to combat it? Perhaps you are watching as it is making life hard for someone you love, know, or are aquatinted with. Regardless of whether it strikes close to home, or is far away, we can’t escape the feeling it leaves us with. When we are in trouble, hurting, afflicted, or watching the suffering in someone dear to us, we are tempted to separate ourselves, and then, as the silence of God continues, a sense of helplessness, and loneliness sets in. As Christians we are never alone; nor without help, even when our prayers are met with silence God is with us always... this is our promise, and our firm belief.

Do you really know how to pray? No? Well, do you know how to talk with God? There is no secret to having a conversation with the Lord, and no secret to answered prayer, just one simple fact... it we pray in unison with the conversation we are having with Him, and ask for those things we agree on during that interaction, then He will do those things for us.

Do we abide in Jesus Christ? This is an incredibly powerful question, and our answer to it determines much. This is the condition that is placed on one of the most sought after promises in the Bible... answered prayer, and it is also linked to other promises such as the love of God, and joy. So how do you approach Jesus? Is Christ abiding in you, or just a visitor?

Do you weep in your prayer closet and ask for a certain thing day, after day, after day? Does your heart break in the midst of your supplication , and yet you have faith in God to answer... are your prayers lifted up yet again, and the tears run down your face once more? Do those around you say “stop praying, it isn’t going to happen”, but you continue to cling to hope, and trust in God? This is what Jesus taught us to do. This is the evidence of faith.