Have we ever stepped out in faith, and then somewhere along the way let doubt overcome us? Have we had a moment like Peter did in which he started walking across the water in obedience to Jesus, but let what was happening around him, the wind and the waves, undermine his faith? Perhaps our moment was different, maybe we were called to answer a mission need in a foreign country, but some danger in that country caused us not to go. Or just maybe it was a small still voice telling us to talk to someone about the Lord, and at the last minute we feared that they might have an adverse reaction, and turned away. How strong is our faith today, and are we still walking on the water?
“He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.””
Matthew 14:29-30 ESV
A Christian’s life is full of moments that require us to exercise our faith, and each one requires us to use our faith to overcome fear, and the world. Are we walking on the water at this very moment, and are we facing that demon we call doubt or fear? If so, our focus should remain on Jesus, and we should never lose sight of Him, or forget that we are already doing the miraculous… we are already walking on the water. Peter didn’t sink when he stepped from the boat, no, he was walking on water. It wasn’t until he suddenly let the world become his focus once more, that his faith lost its strength. But, even when we fail like Peter did, Jesus hears our cry for help and answers it…
“Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?””
Matthew 14:31 ESV
As men and women of faith, we will hear a call today, or continue on in answer to one we received yesterday, and we will be in this world when we hear it, and when we are meant to be obedient to what is asked of us. There are occurrences in the Bible in which God gave someone a glimpse into Heaven, but no one received a calling to go there and save souls, or perform other miracles. No, we are meant to fulfill our challenges, and opportunities of faith right here on earth. We are to exercise our faith here in the world where physical laws are in effect, where fear is commonplace, and where doubt is just a thought away.
“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.”
John 17:15 ESV
God sent Jesus into the world, and Jesus sends us into it too. This is the truth, and as such it is more than simply hope… it is our purpose to do as Jesus was meant to do… to save the lost, and in this way to glorify God. Jesus walked on water without losing faith, and this is His desire for us.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
Luke 19:10 ESV
How are we doing in response to our calling today? Are we still walking across the water towards Him, or have our eyes wandered back to the things of the world. Jesus told us that He had overcome the world, and He has. His conquest was complete; life, death, salvation, and even its natural laws… like being able to walk on water. Through our belief in Him we are confident that we are saved, and will live forevermore, so why is it so hard for us to have faith without doubt when it comes to walking on the water in our lives? Why do we doubt a healing, a deliverance, or some miraculous occurrence? It is our focus! How many times must we hear “Oh yea of little faith” (Matthew 6:30) before we ultimately here God say…
“and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.””
Matthew 3:17 ESV
So we walk upon the earth, and we hear the Lord call to us, but is our faith strong enough to overcome the doubt that knocks on our prayer closet door in an attempt to distract us? Can we not only walk on water, but keep on walking on the water until we reach our final destination… eternity with God?
Father, thank you for your Son Jesus who has overcome the world, and for the various callings that we receive as we walk through it surrounded by our faith. Hear our prayers Father, and let nothing distract us from you as we offer them, nor from our belief as we wait patiently upon your answer. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you our God who desires that none be lost. Praised be your name for every step we take towards Jesus, and especially those that require much faith, and unwavering patience. Merciful are you who reaches out to take our hand when we falter, and leads us back to faithfulness. Your grace is sufficient for us, and your Son’s example in life our daily focus. Wash us continuously in His blood Lord, and remove every sin from us. Judge us to be worthy in Jesus, and seat us at your heavenly table forevermore. For this and every blessing you bestow upon us we praise and worship you Father, and shout out “Glory Be To God In The Highest! Let All The World Say Amen!”
Rich Forbes