Impatience, it is one of the greatest challenges to our faith, and brings many a righteous soul to that place where they begin to question God, or say to themselves on the third day that Jesus will not rise... He is dead. Are we in need of something from God right now that we have been praying for night and day, yet haven’t received so much as a hint of deliverance regarding? Well, waiting is not easy, and bearing pain and suffering while we do might feel cruel, but God’s ways are perfect, and by them He is perfecting us... have faith in your waiting.
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
Psalms 27:14 ESV
Waiting on the Lord is like climbing an incredibly tall and difficult mountain. You reach a point where the summit is in sight, and instead of rushing forward you find yourself weak, starving for breath, and forced to make camp... you wait. You wait for the weather to be perfect, or the clouds to clear the peak; perhaps you wait until your strength has returned, or maybe, just maybe, you wait for God to empower you, and say “Go!”, or “Come!”
“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 ESV
You see, if a mountain reaches high enough, then at a certain point the climber will come to a place where there isn’t enough oxygen to sustain him for any period of time, or perhaps at all. This is the part of a mountain called “The Death Zone”. This is where most mountain climbers who die while climbing tall mountains will meet their demise. Waiting to regain strength, or for that opportune time, before making a final dash into the ever embracing breathlessness of the Death Zone, and towards the summit, is crucial to not only success, but life itself. This is where prayers are offered in profusion, mental resolve is tested, unquenchable fear is faced, and one’s faith is challenged. It isn’t so much in the struggle up the mountain, nor the last determined dash to the summit. No, it is in the waiting where one encounters doubt; at that final camp where the fear of failure yields itself to a fear of death, and labored breathing gives an indication of what lies ahead... it is the waiting time... just inside the Death Zone. So how will we react when we face the Death Zones of our faith? Will we trust in God, or begin the sad trek back down the mountain towards disbelief.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12:12 ESV
Trusting, and waiting go hand in hand. If we are not trusting while we wait then there is no hope, and if there is no hope then what do we have? A person who stops moving isn’t always waiting... sometimes they have lost all hope, and just given up. Hospital workers will tell you that even in patients who are not believers their chances of survival are greatly increased by maintaining a positive attitude... by not giving up. They will also tell you that a patient whose hope comes through their faith realizes a far greater survival rate, and an inner peace. When we trust in God to hear our prayers, and we are within His will, then our waiting becomes something entirely different... it becomes the expectation of God’s promise fulfilled. Whether that is in a hospital bed, or any number of life requests, waiting, God’s Will, and trust are all important to the realization of our faith.
“For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, saying, "Surely I will bless you and multiply you." And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.”
Hebrews 6:13-15 ESV
So, how do we wait on the Lord, or do we wait at all? Do we seek out His will, then pray as we trust in it, and wait for His perfect time and outcome? Do we humble ourselves before Him, and trust completely in His provision? Or, do we yield our faith to the fear of the moment? This is the moment of our greatest temptation, when faith must overcome doubt, and fear, as we cling to hope, and faithfully wait upon Him...
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. Let him sit alone in silence when it is laid on him; let him put his mouth in the dust— there may yet be hope;”
Lamentations 3:22-29 ESV
Father, thank you for the times when we must wait on you, and thank you for revealing your will to us as we do so. Thank you Holy Father for strengthening our faith so that we can overcome the doubt and fear that comes against us in those quiet times of waiting to hear your voice, or longing to receive your merciful provision. Help us Lord to wait as Abraham did for your promise to be realized in our life. Help us to be patient, and forever trusting in your Word, and to remain true to our faith in you. Never let us doubt that you have heard our prayers, or that you will provide for us. When we suffer in sickness, or moan at death’s door, give us insight into your will, and faith in your goodness and mercy. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you our God whose Word is true, and in whom we have faith, and hope. Great are you who provides for us, and hears our prayers always. All glory is yours Merciful Father as we are lifted up by your Grace through Jesus Christ. Hear the songs of our souls as we lift up your name in praise while waiting for your will to be done.
“And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, "you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."”
Acts 1:4-5 ESV
Rich Forbes