Do you have the blood of Jesus on the sides, and above the door of your life? Is your lintel smeared with the promise of eternal life? If we were to walk back in time, and down the streets of Egypt, we would see the very real blood of Passover lambs on the doorways of houses, but the Holy Spirit reveals to us the spiritual reality of that act; it shows us the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to in our lives; it makes tangible the promises of God... grace, forgiveness, and everlasting life.
“whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.”
Romans 3:25 ESV
In the days of the temple the blood of the unblemished lamb was sprinkled on the mercy seat each year that the sins of Israel might be forgiven, but today that practice has been replaced by the once and for all sprinkling of Christ’s blood on the throne of God. No further sacrifices are needed, our sin is gone, and eternal life secured. John the Baptist announced His coming to the world when he said...
“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
John 1:29 ESV
And this is why the disciples followed Jesus... and why we follow Him today. His is the blood that secured our forgiveness, our salvation, redemption, and our life everlasting. John spoke this a second time in scripture and the first two disciples of Jesus (Andrew, and Simon Peter) heard what he said and immediately followed after Jesus.
“and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.”
John 1:36-37 ESV
Interesting enough, Jesus asked them why they were following Him, but received an evasive answer. Do we also avoid answering this question directly? Listen:
“Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, "What are you seeking?" And they said to him, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"”
John 1:38 ESV
We learn the real reason a bit later in John 1 when Andrew tells Peter...
“He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which means Christ).”
John 1:41 ESV
We do this too when we first follow Jesus, we can’t really tell Him why we wish to follow because although we know He is the Messiah, and we wish to follow Him for various reasons, we don’t fully understand what that means. We don’t yet know the fullness of the power His blood brings to us. The blood Christ is still a mystery waiting to be revealed by the Holy Spirit.
The Jews in Egypt smeared blood out of faith, but it wasn’t until the Lord had come that night, as He promised, that they knew the reality of what they had done, and the very real significance of the blood... and the unblemished lamb that had been consumed in preparation for the journey ahead.
Is there blood on your lintel? Are you still waiting for nightfall, or do you already know the reality of this blood that Jesus shed? If you are waiting, then remain in the house, and do not leave through that door until the Lord’s work is done, and the Holy Spirit reveals to you the new day that has dawned for you.
Father, I thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, and His blood that has cleansed me, and marked my door with the sign of life. I thank you for your Holy Spirit that reveals to me the truth carried in the Cleansing Blood of Jesus. I cling to the cross, the altar on which my Savior was sacrificed, and I pick up my own cross and carry it within me always. Help me Father to sprinkle the old person I was, with the precious blood of Jesus. Help me to offer my purified self to you, fresh each day, sanctified, and ready for the journey before us. My sin is gone, overcome by the blood of your lamb, and I praise you for the bowl of grace that holds it above me. Merciful Father I praise your name, and sing of your glory before all men. Holy are you Father, and Holy
is your Son, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world.
Rich Forbes