This morning I am taking a look at how God calls us ever forward in our faith. We aren't meant to be stagnant creatures in faith, or in life generally, but traveling a way that is taking us ever forward and increasing us as we go.
“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”
Revelation 4:1 KJV
In Revelation John was called to "Come up hither" so that he could be shown what was yet to come, but in most of our lives we are called to "come up" in order to improve, or increase our character... our faith. Oswald Chambers discussed this in my reading this morning and summarized it this way...
"Growth in grace is measured not by the fact that you have gone back, but that you had an insight into where you are spiritually; you have heard God say "Come up higher," not to you personally, but to the insight of your character." - Oswald Character
I work for a large company, and like all large publicly traded corporations, standing still, in terms of business growth, is not acceptable. If a company isn't advancing then it is in decline. Our characters and faith are similar... when we think that where we are in faith is fine and we cease to grow, then our faith begins to suffer. When churches hold to where they are spiritually and stop seeking their next calling, they go into decline.
We see it best in the membership of Churches; when they stop reaching out to new converts and deny their mission to spread the gospel, then the church population begins to age and after a number of years it withers until it dies, or is sold to a more vibrant and growing constituency.
We aren't meant to sit on our faith, we are meant to grow continuously and forever. Like my example of the church and the corporation that must each grow to survive, we too must grow in order to maintain ourselves in faith.
“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
2 Peter 3:18 KJV
The Bible uses two metaphors over and over again; we are taught that life is a way, or road, that we are traveling, and our faith is also compared to a plant... a vine. In Colossians we see both of these images being presented simultaneously:
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7 KJV
So as we grow, and walk on in our faith, Jesus walks with us as he is the trunk on which we grow as branches.
I once did a study in which I attempted to trace the travelings of Jesus and determine how far he had walked in His short life. What I found was that He had walked enough miles that if you placed them in a straight line He would have circumnavigated the globe... if He had started walking in Jerusalem He would have returned there just in time for His crucifixion. Jesus was in constant motion, and He was traveling ever towards God's goal for His life on earth. We too should be traveling... traveling towards increased faith, and God's desire for our own lives. If we keep growing and walking, we will not wither and die before God's will in our lives is realized.
So, as we travel our way of faith and life, God will be with us, leading us forward towards His good destination for our lives... and then beyond into eternity. I heard a sermon this weekend in which the pastor spoke of suffering for years as he sought which way to go in life... well my friend, our ways in faith are not like roads across this world; they all have the same destination... Heaven. Although the roads may appear different, they are only so in the scenery we pass along the way... so just start walking. We waste too much time trying to decide what path to take when in fact we could begin our journey of growing faith right now!
“A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 KJV
Father, we desire to grow in faith and knowledge of you each moment of every day. Lead us on Jesus as we walk together towards our own Jerusalem and the will of God in our lives. Although we may need rest for a night, never let us find too much pleasure in a place; keep us moving forward to new and higher experiences in faith and character. Give us your increase Lord, that we are always becoming more like Jesus... like You. In our journey let us grow; in the vine let us bear more fruit, but whether we are walking on in your way, or growing up in your vine, let us always remain within your will for us. No mater the road we take, let us feel your hand upon our shoulder, and know that you are traveling with us... every step of the way.
Rich Forbes