This morning I am mulling over the fact that we should always put Jesus ahead of our own wants and interests. My mind wanders to those times when I became first and didn't allow Him to take the lead in my life... or worse.
Jesus has been declared by God Himself to be above all, and yet we take it upon ourselves to subvert His rule and pursue our own interests as if we held a higher office. We don't do this so much in coup as we do in our own weakness and selfishness.
“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
Philippians 2:9-12 KJV
I think of the simple things in my life that qualify me as an usurper of the throne... the times I passed by someone in need so that I could make a meeting with a friend, the many times I heard Him call and didn't answer, and the things I took pride in when, in fact, Jesus had asked and helped me to do them. John felt such temptations during His ministry and fought against such:
“Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease.”
John 3:28-30 KJV
The followers of John were on the verge of worshipping him... the messenger... over Christ the Lord. The temptation was there to allow such adoration, but he set things straight. John stopped this cold with the wonderful image of a Jewish wedding in which he was the friend of the groom... the best man.
I am going to use modern terminology to make this point, but in Jewish weddings of that time the best man would stand outside the honeymoon suite (if you will allow me that word) and when the marriage had been consummated the groom would hand a cloth containing the blood of the bride's virginity to him, as a sign of her purity and faithfulness. The best man would then present it to the guests in attendance as proof, and the celebration would begin in earnest. The interesting thing is that the groom would shout in celebration and joy at the sight of the blood and this caused great joy in the bridesmaids and groomsmen who heard his voice outside the room.
John was using this analogy to describe his relationship with Jesus. He was the friend (the best man) and Jesus was the groom who had taken the bride. In the moment of consummation, or full realization of the marriage, he would be joyously waiting outside the bridal chamber for the groom's voice, and appearance with the cloth of proof; not being the groom, but being the friend and messenger that would reveal the groom's glory to all those present.
We should also be waiting to hear the voice of Jesus... we are not the groom, but rather the friend who serves Him. When the Lord says do this for me, who am I to deny Him?
When Jesus tells us to fill up jars with water, who are we to say "that is silly"? No, we are to fill up the jars and watch as the miracle is performed, and then serve the wedding party with the good wine.
Have you ever been walking down a busy street and seen someone sitting in a doorway, or laying against a wall, and heard the Lords voice say "Feed Them!"? Did you do it, or did you put the friends you were going to meet ahead of Him?
The week before Christmas in 1978, I met my wife on Church Street in downtown Nashville for lunch. Afterward, we were standing outside a jewelry store looking at rings, necklaces and other fine items through the display window. A man dressed in rags came up to us asking for spare change... and I told him no and to leave us alone. A couple of minutes later he came up to us again and begged us for some money because he was hungry... and I told him that I had nothing for him and to be gone. Then, not moments later he came up a third time and in a pleading voice asked in desperation once more for change. I told him harshly that if he bothered us again I would thrash him... and he left. I have thought of that man over and over during the many years Ann and I have been married. I am ashamed of my response, and I can tell you that I believe to this day I turned away Christ on that cold December day.
Next year it will have been 40 years since I rejected that hungry beggar. There is no way I can go back and make that mistake right. I had placed my own self interest ahead of Jesus. Interestingly, I had brought Ann to that jewelry store because it was Christmas and I was looking for a nice gift to give her. I gave her a beautiful jewelry box that year, and when she unwrapped it I could see the disappointment in her eyes... I had selected the wrong gift. She had wanted jewelry and instead I had given her a box to keep it in. Sometimes our faith is the same... we wrap up the box and forget to put the love inside.
Often we meet Jesus on the streets of our lives and don't recognize Him, but if we are following His teaching, and placing Him first in our lives, all will be right... and we won't have to look back on those times wishing we had placed Him first in our lives, while regretting having sent Him away disappointed.
Father, I come to you this morning with tears in my eyes as I recall the times I have put myself before your Son; and yet I am nearly crushed by the fact that He would still be willing to cover me in His blood... that you might forgive me. Lord, how can I ever be found worthy? How can you ever see me as deserving of your forgiveness if not for His love that eclipses the shortcomings that are such a part of me? Forgive me Father, not because of anything I have done, but in spite of me... through the power of His love and sacrifice. I am unworthy Father, yet He still calls me friend, and at the sheer mention of that word I weep in humility, because I have sent Him away in unawares, and not been the friend to Him that He has been to me.
Rich Forbes
“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”