When we perform our works of faith or even kneel to pray, who are we attempting to please? Are our eyes on Jesus and our hearts longing for God, or is there something or someone else who has taken the glory of our efforts? I am exploring the motivation behind our acts of faith this morning, and how we can keep them directed towards the glory of God.
“Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.”
2 Corinthians 5:9 KJV
This morning I read Oswald Chambers' discussion on why we labor in faith and it convicted me. He was drilling into the motivation behind what we do in church and elsewhere for the kingdom of God.
"It is not lack of spiritual experience that leads to failure, but lack of laboring to keep the ideal right." - Oswald Chambers
Have you ever seen the inspiration of God as it creates an amazing vehicle for revealing His Word? There are grand examples like the hospitals that Mother Teresa built in India, but in each of our churches and lives there are smaller, but like minded ideas that come from God and win souls; novel Sunday school programs, outreach efforts, a simple determination to win one person in our lives to Jesus, or perhaps initiatives to feed, clothe, and house the homeless... there are so many examples. Then, when they are in full swing and God is receiving the glory of their success something happens... ever so subtly the motivation behind our efforts turns inward.
I know that in my life the temptation for that to occur is very real. It takes much prayer and a constant guard to protect against it. Here is an example... I am a member of a three man intercessory prayer group at my church. Although this group has been in existence for 35 years, I was asked to replace one of its founding members two years ago. We pray for all manner of needs, from salvation to healing, and even life conflicts in business and beyond. It is a blessing to our church and the community as a whole. Yet, as prayers are answered and lives and bodies healed by the Lord, it becomes hard to keep the focus on God's provision and not take the tears and hugs of gratitude from those God has touched at least partially for myself... but that cannot happen, and as I hug those for which we have just prayed I must constantly tell myself that although they are physically hugging me, they are really needing to hug God... I am just a stand in for Him... and He blesses me in that realization.
Chambers understood the temptation to claim God's glory. He wrote these words regarding how we should guard against taking credit for God's work:
"Once a week at least take stock before God and see whether you are keeping your life up to the standard He wishes... Any ambition which is in the tiniest degree away from this central one of being "approved unto God" may end in our being castaways. Learn to discern where ambition leads" - Oswald Chambers
Of all the things we value, there should be none more precious than pleasing God, and the right minded service we yield to Him. The trap, the snare, in preaching, witnessing, praying, or serving is to lose sight of what Chambers called "the ideal"... it is Jesus, God, and not us which should be honored, praised, and glorified.
“But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”
1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV
So whether it be small or great, insignificant or world shattering, there is no room for us at the podium when glory is handed out. We are to be the humble servants of the Lord. Then, on that day of judgement, when the last will be first, God will say "this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."
Father, I thank you for all the blessings you bestow upon me as I serve you and your kingdom. Lord, never let me mistake your work through me for my own. Keep my eyes on you and never let me look to myself in satisfaction when you are the proper recipient of the glory of my service. Let me be a good and faithful servant. Jesus lead me on and show me the humility in doing Our Father's will without reserve, and for the glory of Him alone. I praise you in all things, and for all that you do, in my life. Never let my eyes fall from His face and always keep my hands lifted to Him in praise and adoration. Let me serve no other master, not self, or other, but God alone.
Rich Forbes