Do we understand that Jesus Christ had to die in order to secure our redemption, or do we think He was just a mythical character meant to describe morality to us in a how-to book called the Bible? Friends, the account is real, and not a story; it is the single greatest event to occur since creation, and is complete with all the miracles, wonders, suffering, awe, and yes, death. The Bible is the one true account of faith, and the never ending story of God’s love and creation that continues today.

Do we let the happenings of the world trouble us and destroy the faith and tranquility we have in Jesus Christ? Are we so worried about what is occurring in our day to day lives that we can no longer see or feel the eternal truth, which is that Jesus suffered so we could be redeemed; and that He has brought us peace and rest? If so it is time we started stripping the meaningless outer layers away from our life of faith, and get down to the one thing that truly matters... the Cross.

When the Lord gives us a specific calling, or mission that He wants us to accomplish, how do we know it, and how do we know when it is complete? Have you ever left spiritual business unfinished because you took your eyes off of the Lord? Whether it is praying for someone each day, being a loving spouse, serving in a far off land, or simply mowing the yard of a sick neighbor; when does God call us, and when does removing us from that call become His desire? Do we hear God calling us to something different or is what we are feeling the result of our own lack of determination, or dedication?

As we look about ourselves today, what are our distractions from faith, and what are those things that bless us as we seek out the Lord? When we begin our prayers this morning what will we thank God for, and what will we ask Him to help us overcome? Sometimes we find that it is the little things in our lives that bless us most... but it is also the little things that can trip us up in our faith.

Jesus didn’t come to earth to redeem us because He felt sympathetic love for us, He came at His Father’s request to do a job, and that job was to defeat sin, overcome death, and to glorify God Himself. His task was to mend the rift that had occurred in the Garden of Eden between God the creator, Eve the woman, and Adam the man, whom He had created. He would do this by the only way possible... offering the blood sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Jesus.

Do you see God the Father as a gentle old grey haired man who forgives you regardless of what you do and without regard or memory of what, or who, you are? Well that isn’t so. Without the horrific and yet wonderful sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ we would be lost, because God’s very nature would prohibit His overlooking our sins. Our forgiveness is a supernatural event without precedent, which cleanses us of the once permanent stain of sin.

Have you ever received manna from heaven? Maybe you haven’t been the recipient of this heavenly food specifically, but has some form of spiritual or supernatural rescue or provision been provided for you? How about a call from God to be that answer, or help, to someone else’s need or prayer? When God uses us in this way we suddenly realize the immenseness of the blessing that comes from being in His service.

What sins do we have in our lives that have enslaved us? Do we have an overriding desire for something that drives us to turn it from righteousness to seek sinful fulfillment, or a need in our lives that makes us complicit or vulnerable to these sinful things? Either way, we have been enslaved, and our sin will rule us until we can find emancipation from it. Sexual predators are in the news almost every day... let’s take a look.

Do we search for God with all our heart, and in so doing are we seeking Him by His terms, or is our motivation to achieve our own self-gratification, or glory? As we pray and call His name are we continuously obeying His beckoning voice that tells us to “come”, or are we asking Him to come to where we are, and asking Him for favors on our own terms?

Do we believe that we are great men and women of God? Do we have stripes on our sleeves for all to see, as we live the years of our faith for everyone to marvel at? Is our goal for each day to show those around us how mightily we serve, or the pious nature of our calling? If so, then stop the pompous religiosity and seek out humility... seek out Jesus and lose the notoriety of practice.

When God is working in another’s life do we find ourselves getting in His way? Are we one of those people that are referred to as a “fixer”, but who lets themselves get out of control on a regular basis? Do we find that in an attempt to repair a situation we can come between God and the miracle He is about to perform? Do we let our own will and intellect overreach its bounds? Well if so, get ready to be corrected... and to possibly hurt the lives of others.