Do we walk with God, or are we still yearning to walk with Him? How close is our relationship, or in its absence, how desperately do we seek His presence? In our desire for salvation and eternal life do we place these goals above simply loving God? If so, do we realize that without that love there will never be a quiet stroll through the garden, or a conversation spent speaking without having to utter a word?

Are we studying and memorizing scripture, and reading Biblically based literature, with the thought that this will make us wise and righteous or give us some increased standing with God? Well my friends, only one thing will work to perfect us in the eyes of God, and that is having the faith and obedience of a child. I would rather do this one small thing perfectly than to pursue a thousand wise and scholarly things while missing the mark of holiness entirely.

So often we think that there is but one way that men are called, and that God has a set process for leading us to Him. We somehow get in our minds that there is only one way to serve God, and that if we don’t fit into the biblical walk exhibited by one of the twelve apostles then we are not correct in our faith. In fact, we are all unique and so is our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

“How is my prayer life?” This is something that each one of us should ask ourselves from time to time, and it should cause us to adjust our prayer regime according to God’s response. Searching for the answer to this question should be more than personal introspection. When we pose this question we should be asking that God also speak to us regarding the health of our prayer life because it is He with whom we are speaking.

The day after we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, Satan begins to work at us... will our faith withstand his onslaught? Believing is easy when we are on the mountain, but when we return to the valley we find ourselves crying out to the Lord for help... so let’s prepare ourselves for those moments. In Mark 9 we read about Jesus healing a boy who was possessed by an unclean spirit. In this account the boy’s father pleads for Jesus to help them. He tells Jesus of the boy’s condition and then begs for help using these words... “”.... But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."” Mark 9:22 ESV. Does this sound familiar to us? What happens next?

When we are lifted up and standing in that spiritual high place with Jesus don’t we want to stay there forever? When we are feeling the electric thrill of faith coursing through us and every hair on our body has risen as if in unison to the breeze of God's breath, don’t we want to remain in that euphoric state always? Well of course the answer is yes, but that is not what we are meant to do. God has more for us to do.