Has Jesus given you a joy like His, or do you anticipate that you will one day have a heavenly joy like the one that He speaks of? Well, I am going to burst your bubble and then give you a new hope regarding this scriptural joy. Our desire should never be to have a joy like Jesus' because we won't have one like His, but don’t let this news disappoint you… read on, because there is much more to this story.

Do we celebrate the great things we do for the Lord? Is our life dedicated to accomplishing those tasks that we feel will glorify Him, and advance the Kingdom of Heaven? Well my friends the things of real value to our Father are not those that we do for our own gratification, faith, or to win eternity, but those we do to maintain a good and loving relationship with Him. When we do His will, and allow His work to flow from within us as an unending offering of love… we will glorify Him.

How is your life in Christ? Before you answer this question answer another... "How often do you pray?" We think that our life with Jesus is robust because of the works, and the other things we do, and yet we have not humbled ourselves before our Heavenly Father in prayer as He taught us to do. We think that we are like Him as we go through the motions of religion, and yet our relationship with God is starving.

In Nashville we had a total eclipse of the sun in 2017, and although it took a while to reach its totality, or the period of time in which the moon totally covers the sun, the totality itself lasted for only two minutes or less. Quite often the period of time God shines His light of opportunity in our lives is short as well. If we miss the chance to see or to act upon the calling which God presents us, we may never experience that particular opportunity again.

Today I celebrate my wife's birthday. I have lived with her longer than any other human being on earth, and in that time I have loved her without reservation. My love for her forms one of the foundation stones of my life, and like my love for Jesus Christ, it rests firmly upon God Himself. Have you ever heard someone say that they have dedicated their life to this thing or that? Let’s think about dedicating one's life. I have thought about this a great deal lately and have concluded that although we can dedicate ourselves to certain people, ideas, and things, there are three things that we will never be able to say we have dedicated ourselves to, and all three involve a covenant, and a love that defies description.

Are we prepared to pray? By that I mean, are we prepared to pray and receive the blessing that we are speaking with God about? So often we come to the Lord unprepared; living one life and praying as if we lived another. I was reading Oswald Chambers and he spoke a truth that cuts us deep; it answers in part the question of "why is my prayer not answered?" Let’s listen to what he has to say…

The strongest people I know are those who are “poor in spirit”. This is a life that was not chosen for them, but one which they chose for themselves. Do you know such people? Are you one of them? Perhaps you are wondering what I mean by being poor in spirit. Well, the very first blessing that Jesus teaches us in the Beatitudes is that of being "poor in spirit" and He does this for a reason. These are the people that yield their individual spirits to the Spirit of God. They have laid down their own personal strength for the strength of God Himself.

Are there things in our lives that distract us from focusing on Jesus Christ? We all know them when they occur... an unresolved argument that worries and distracts us during prayer, a problem with our home or automobile that nags at us when we sit to read and study scripture, or perhaps too many planned activities in our day that tempt us to place them before our worship. Is this your life?